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贾恒 冯晓锐 李大光 秦伟平 杨龙 何伟艳 马惠言 滕英跃

贾恒, 冯晓锐, 李大光, 秦伟平, 杨龙, 何伟艳, 马惠言, 滕英跃. 正交激发发射上转换纳米材料的设计、制备与应用[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(1): 76-93. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0134
引用本文: 贾恒, 冯晓锐, 李大光, 秦伟平, 杨龙, 何伟艳, 马惠言, 滕英跃. 正交激发发射上转换纳米材料的设计、制备与应用[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(1): 76-93. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0134
JIA Heng, FENG Xiao-rui, LI Da-guang, QIN Wei-ping, YANG Long, HE Wei-yan, MA Hui-yan, TENG Ying-yue. Design, preparation and application of orthogonal excitation-emission upconversion nanomaterials[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(1): 76-93. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0134
Citation: JIA Heng, FENG Xiao-rui, LI Da-guang, QIN Wei-ping, YANG Long, HE Wei-yan, MA Hui-yan, TENG Ying-yue. Design, preparation and application of orthogonal excitation-emission upconversion nanomaterials[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(1): 76-93. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0134


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(No. 12174150,No. 11774132,No. 21766023);内蒙古科技计划项目(No. 2019GG268);内蒙古自治区高等学校科学研究项目(No. NJZZ23073);内蒙古工业大学科学研究项目(No. ZZ202108);内蒙古工业大学科研启动金项目(No. DC2200000916)

    贾 恒(1990—),男,山西阳高人,博士,内蒙古工业大学教师,硕士生导师,2021年于吉林大学获得博士学位,主要从事稀土光电功能材料、上转换发光调控及应用等方面的研究。E-mail:jiaheng17@mails.jlu.edu.cn



  • 中图分类号: O433; O614.33

Design, preparation and application of orthogonal excitation-emission upconversion nanomaterials

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 12174150, No. 11774132, No.21766023); Plan of Scientific and Technology of Inner Mongolia (No. 2019GG268); Scientific Research Project of Colleges and Universities in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (No. NJZZ23073); Research Project of Inner Mongolia University of Technology (No. ZZ202108); Scientific Research Startup Fund of Inner Mongolia University of Technology (No. DC2200000916)
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  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  二元正交激发发射体系的结构设计示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of structure design for binary orthogonal excitation-emission systems

    图 2  基于正交双色上转换发光的二元正交激发发射体系。(a)具有蓝-绿双色正交发光的四层核壳纳米结构NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaGdF4@NaYbF4:Nd@Na(Yb,Gd)F4:Ho@NaGdF4示意图和在980/808 nm二元激发下的发射光谱及对应的发光照片[41];(b) 蓝-绿双色正交发光的NaYF4: Nd/Yb/Tm@NaYF4:Nd@NaYF4@NaYF4:Yb /Er三层核壳结构示意图和在980/808 nm二元激发下的发射光谱及对应的发光照片[33];(c)具有不依赖于激发功率密度的高色纯度蓝-绿双色正交发射的NaGdF4:Yb,Er@NaYF4:Yb@NaGdF4:Yb,Nd@NaYF4@NaGdF4: Yb,Tm@NaYF4五层核壳结构示意图和在980/796 nm二元激发下的发射光谱及对应的发光照片[42];(d)具有不同中间NaYF4纳米壳层厚度的NaGdF4:Yb,Er@NaYF4@NaYF4:Yb,Tm@NaYbF4:Nd@NaYF4四层核壳结构在808/980 nm二元激发下的发射光谱[43]。(a)转载自文献[41],版权所有(2013)威立出版集团; (b)转载自文献[33],版权所有(2014)威立出版集团; (c)转载自文献[42],版权所有(2016)威立出版集团; (d)转载自文献[43],版权所有(2017)美国化学学会

    Figure 2.  Binary orthogonal excitation-emission systems for orthogonal dual-color upconversion luminescence. (a) Schematic illustration of core/quadruple-shell NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaGdF4@NaYbF4:Nd@Na(Yb,Gd)F4:Ho@NaGdF4 with blue-green dual-color orthogonal luminescence and its corresponding emission spectra and photographs under 980/808 nm binary excitations[41]; (b) schematic illustration of core/triple-shell NaYF4:Nd/Yb/Tm@NaYF4:Nd@NaYF4@NaYF4:Yb/Er with blue-green dual-color orthogonal luminescence and its corresponding emission spectra and photographs under 980/808 nm binary excitations[33]; (c) schematic illustration of core/quintuple-shell NaGdF4:Yb,Er@NaYF4:Yb@NaGdF4:Yb,Nd@NaYF4@NaGdF4:Yb,Tm@NaYF4 with excitation power density-independent blue-green high-pure dual-color orthogonal luminescence and its corresponding emission spectra and photographs under 980/796 nm binary excitations[42]; (d) emission spectra of core/quadruple-shell NaGdF4:Yb,Er@NaYF4@NaYF4:Yb, Tm@NaYbF4:Nd@NaYF4 with varied thickness of an NaYF4 interlayer under 808/980 nm binary excitations[43]. (a) Reproduced with permission ref. [41]. Copyright 2013, Wiley-VCH; (b) reproduced with permission ref. [33]. copyright 2014, Wiley-VCH; (c) reproduced with permission ref. [42]. copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH; (d) reproduced with permission ref. [43]. copyright 2017, American Chemical Society.

    图 3  正交双色发射的二元正交激发发射体系。(a)基于敏化剂Er3+的绿-蓝双色正交发射NaYF4:Er@NaYF4@NaYF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4三层核壳纳米结构示意图和在1532/980 nm二元激发下的发射光谱及对应的发光照片[44];(b)基于NaErF4:Tm红光发射核的多层核壳纳米结构示意图和在1550 nm和980/808 nm二元激发下的发光照片[20];(c) 基于Er3+自敏化的蓝-绿双色正交发射NaYF4:Er@NaYF4@NaYF4:Yb/Tm双层核壳纳米结构示意图和在808/940 nm二元激发下的发射光谱[45];(d) 基于NaErF4红光发射核的红-蓝双色正交发射NaErF4@NaYF4@NaYbF4:Tm@NaYF4三层核壳纳米结构示意图和在800/980 nm二元激发下的发射光谱及对应的发光照片[46];(e)基于单发光层的红-绿双色正交发射NaErF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4:Yb@NaNdF4:Yb双层核壳纳米结构示意图和在980/808 nm二元激发下的发射光谱及对应的发光照片[47];(f) 基于单发光层的二元正交激发发射体系(NaYF4:Yb/Er/Mn@NaYF4:Yb@NaNdF4:Yb)示意图和在980/808 nm二元激发下的发射光谱及对应的发光照片[49]。(a)转载自文献[44],版权所有(2018)威立出版集团; (b)转载自文献[20],版权所有(2019)威立出版集团; (c)转载自文献[45],版权所有(2018)皇家化学学会; (d)转载自文献[46],版权所有(2018)美国化学学会; (e)转载自文献[47],版权所有(2019)自然出版集团; (f)转载自文献[49],版权所有(2020)威立出版集团

    Figure 3.  Binary orthogonal excitation-emission systems with orthogonal dual-color emissions. (a) Schematic illustration of Er3+ sensitizer-based core/triple-shell NaYF4:Er@NaYF4@NaYF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4 with green-blue dual-color orthogonal emissions and its corresponding emission spectra and photographs under 1532/980 nm binary excitations[44]; (b) schematic illustration of red-emitting NaErF4:Tm core-based multilayer core-shell nanostructures and their corresponding photographs under 1550 nm and 980/808 nm binary excitations[20]; (c) schematic illustration of self-sensitization of Er3+-based core/double-shell NaYF4:Er@NaYF4@NaYF4:Yb/Tm with blue-green dual-color orthogonal emissions and its corresponding emission spectra under 808/940 nm binary excitations[45]; (d) schematic illustration of red-emitting NaErF4 core-based core/triple-shell NaErF4@NaYF4@NaYbF4:Tm@NaYF4 with red-blue dual-color orthogonal emissions and its corresponding emission spectra and photographs under 808/980 nm binary excitations[46]; (e) schematic illustration of a single-emissive layer-based core/double-shell NaErF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4:Yb@NaNdF4:Yb with red-green dual-color orthogonal emissions and its corresponding emission spectra and photographs under 980/808 nm binary excitations[47]; (f) schematic illustration of a single-emissive layer-based binary orthogonal excitation-emission systems (NaYF4:Yb/Er/Mn@NaYF4:Yb@NaNdF4:Yb) and its corresponding emission spectra and photographs under 980/808 nm binary excitations[49]. (a) Reproduced with permission ref. [44]. Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH; (b) reproduced with permission ref. [20]. Copyright 2019, Wiley-VCH; (c) reproduced with permission ref. [45]. Copyright 2018, Royal Society of Chemistry; (d) reproduced with permission ref. [46]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society; (e) reproduced with permission ref. [47]. Copyright 2019, Nature Publishing Group; (f) reproduced with permission ref. [49]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH

    图 4  三元正交激发发射体系的结构设计示意图

    Figure 4.  Schematic diagram of structure design for ternary orthogonal excitation-emission systems

    图 5  基于正交三基色上转换发光的三元正交激发发射体系。(a)具有不依赖于激发功率密度的高色纯度红-绿-蓝三基色正交发光的NaYF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4@NaYF4:Er/Ho@NaYF4@NaYF4:Nd/Yb/Er@NaYF4:Nd五层核壳纳米结构示意图和在1560/808/980 nm三元激发下的发射光谱及对应的发光照片[52];(b) 具有不依赖于激发功率密度的正交三基色发光的LiYbF4:Tm@LiGdF4@LiGdF4:Yb/Er@LiYF4:Nd/Yb@LiGdF4@LiErF4:Tm@LiGdF4六层核壳纳米结构示意图和在1532/980/800 nm三元激发下的发射光谱及对应的发光照片[59];(c)具有不依赖于激发功率密度的正交三基色发光的NaErF4@NaYF4@NaGdF4:Yb/Er@NaGdF4:Yb@NaGdF4:Nd/Yb@NaYF4@NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4七层核壳纳米结构示意图和在1532/808/980 nm三元激发下的发射光谱及对应的发光照片[60]。 (a)转载自文献[52],版权所有(2021)美国化学学会; (b)转载自文献[59],版权所有(2021)美国化学学会; (c)转载自文献[60],版权所有(2021)自然出版集团

    Figure 5.  Ternary orthogonal excitation-emission systems for orthogonal three-primary-color upconversion luminescence. (a) Schematic illustration of core/quintuple-shell NaYF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4@NaYF4:Er/Ho@NaYF4@NaYF4:Nd/Yb/Er@NaYF4:Nd with excitation power density-independent red-green-blue high-pure three-primary-color orthogonal emissions and its corresponding emission spectra and photographs under 1560/808/980 nm ternary excitations[52]; (b) schematic illustration of core/sextuple-shell LiYbF4:Tm@LiGdF4@LiGdF4:Yb/Er@LiYF4:Nd/Yb@LiGdF4@LiErF4:Tm@LiGdF4 with excitation power density-independent orthogonal three-primary-color luminescence and its corresponding emission spectra and photographs under 1532/980/800 nm ternary excitations[59]; (c) transmission electron microscopy image and schematic illustration of core/septuple-shell NaErF4@NaYF4@NaGdF4:Yb/Er@NaGdF4:Yb@NaGdF4:Nd/Yb@NaYF4@NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4 with excitation power density-independent orthogonal three-primary-color luminescence and its corresponding emission spectra and photographs under 1532/808/980 nm ternary excitations[60]. (a) Reproduced with permission ref. [52]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society; (b) reproduced with permission ref. [59]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society; (c) reproduced with permission ref. [60]. Copyright 2021, Nature Publishing Group.

    图 6  正交激发发射体系的应用领域

    Figure 6.  Applications of orthogonal excitation-emission systems

    图 7  正交激发发射体系在光学存储、安全防伪及显示领域的应用。(a)二元正交激发发射体系用于近红外光驱动下的光学数据存储[44];(b)二元正交激发发射体系用于多级防伪[42];(c)三元正交激发发射体系用于信息的加密与解密[52];(d)三元正交激发发射体系用于高级防伪[58];(e)二元正交激发发射体系用于多维度防伪[43];(f)三元正交激发发射体系用于二维彩色显示[59]。(a)转载自文献[44],版权所有(2018)威立出版集团; (b)转载自文献[42],版权所有(2016)威立出版集团; (c)转载自文献[52],版权所有(2021)美国化学学会;(d)转载自文献[58],版权所有(2022)美国化学学会;(e)转载自文献[43],版权所有(2017)美国化学学会;(f)转载自文献[59],版权所有(2021)美国化学学会

    Figure 7.  Typically applications of orthogonal excitation-emission systems in the fields of optical storage, security anticounterfeiting and displays. (a) Binary orthogonal excitation-emission system for NIR-guided optical data storage[44]; (b) binary orthogonal excitation-emission system for multi-level anti-counterfeiting[42]; (c) ternary orthogonal excitation-emission system for information encryption and decryption[52]; (d) ternary orthogonal excitation-emission system for advanced anti-counterfeiting[58]; (e) binary orthogonal excitation-emission system for multi-dimensional anti-counterfeiting[43]; (f) ternary orthogonal excitation-emission system for 2D color display[59]. (a) Reproduced with permission ref. [44]. Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH; (b) reproduced with permission ref. [42]. Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH; (c) reproduced with permission ref. [52]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society; (d) reproduced with permission ref. [58]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society; (e) reproduced with permission ref. [43]. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society; (f) reproduced with permission ref. [59]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society

    图 8  正交激发发射体系在传感及生物医学领域的应用。(a)二元正交激发发射体系用于对指纹内残留物TNT的检测[49];(b)二元正交激发发射体系用于对黄曲霉毒素B1的检测[48];(c)二元正交激发发射体系用于超分辨成像[45];(d) 二元正交激发发射体系用于成像引导的光动力/化疗联合治疗[42]。(a)转载自文献[49],版权所有(2020)威立出版集团; (b)转载自文献[48],版权所有(2021)美国化学学会; (c)转载自文献[45],版权所有(2021)皇家化学学会;(d)转载自文献[42],版权所有(2016)威立出版集团

    Figure 8.  Typically applications of orthogonal excitation-emission systems in the fields of sensing and biomedicine. (a) Binary orthogonal excitation-emission system for the detection of TNT residues in the fingerprint[49]; (b) binary orthogonal excitation-emission system for the detection of aflatoxin B1[48]; (c) binary orthogonal excitation-emission system for super-resolution image[45]; (d) binary orthogonal excitation-emission system for imaging-guided combined photodynamic therapy/ chemotherapy[42]. (a) Reproduced with permission ref. [49]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH; (b) reproduced with permission ref. [48]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society; (c) reproduced with permission ref. [45]. Copyright 2021, Royal Society of Chemistry; (d) reproduced with permission ref. [42]. Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH.

    表  1  正交激发发射体系类型及研究进展与应用前景汇总

    Table  1.   Summary of system types, research progress and application prospects for orthogonal excitation-emission

    Core-shell nanomaterials with orthogonal excitations-emissionsOrthogonal excitation typeSensitizer-ActivatorLuminescence color@
    Excitation wavelength
    Application fieldsReference/

    Red@808/1550 nm
    Green@980 nm
    Red@808/1550 nm
    Blue@980 nm
    UV/blue@808 nm
    Green@980 nm
    UV/blue@980 nm
    Green@808 nm
    Green@796 nm
    UV/blue@980 nm
    NaGdF4:Yb,Er@NaYF4@ NaYF4:Yb,Tm@NaYbF4:Nd@NaYF4
    Green@980 nm
    UV/blue@808 nm
    Fingerprint imaging[43]

    Green@1532 nm
    UV/blue@980 nm
    Optical data storage[44]

    Green@808 nm
    Blue@980 nm
    Super-resolution image[45]
    NaErF4@NaYF4@NaYbF4:Tm @NaYF4

    Red@800 nm
    Blue@980 nm
    Imaging-guided PDT[46]

    Red@980 nm
    Green@808 nm

    BinaryYb3+-Er3+-Mn2+/Nd3+-Yb3+-Er3+Red@980 nm
    Green@808 nm
    Latent fingerprint
    BinaryYb3+-Er3+/ Nd3+-Yb3+-Tm3+Green@980 nm
    UV/blue@808 nm
    Tumor cell recognition/PDT[50]

    Green@808 nm
    Red@980 nm
    Er3+-Ho3+/ Nd3+-Yb3+-Er3+
    UV/blue@980 nm Red@1560 nm Green@808 nm
    Security/ anticounterfeiting
    Nd3+-Yb3+-Er3+/ Er3+-Tm3+
    UV/blue@980 nm Green@808 nm Red@1532 nm
    2D full-color display[59]
    NaYF4@ NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4
    TernaryEr3+/ Nd3+-Yb3+-Er3+/ Yb3+-Tm3+Red@1532 nm
    Green@808 nm
    Blue@980 nm

    Nd3+-Yb3+-Tm3+/ Yb3+-Er3+/ Er3+-Tm3+Blue@808 nm
    Green@980 nm
    Red@1532 nm

    NaYbF4:Tm@ NaYF4:Yb
    TernaryEr3+-Tm3+/ Nd3+-Yb3+-Ho3+/ Yb3+-Tm3+Red@1550 nm
    Green@808 nm
    UV/blue@980 nm
    Flexible display/ anticounterfeiting[62]
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