Analysis and suppression of space stray light of visible cameras with wide field of view
摘要: 空间相机用于对空间暗弱目标的探测与监视,视场外杂散光的进入会降低像面对比度,严重时甚至会导致相机无法工作。大视场光学系统对杂散光尤为敏感。针对此问题,本文以一大视场空间相机为例,分析其杂散光的来源,通过研究杂光传输机理并总结抑制措施。为满足其轻小型的指标要求,在尺寸限制下分别设计挡光环垂直光轴和倾斜的遮光罩及光阑等消杂光结构。TracePro软件仿真结果显示:倾斜挡光环遮光罩的效果更好,该结构在杂光抑制角外的的点源透过率(PST)均达到10-7量级,系统至少可以满足6.5星等目标的探测,验证本文消杂光结构方案的有效性,为后续的系统优化提供了一定的参考。
- 大视场空间相机 /
- 遮光罩 /
- 杂散光分析 /
- 点源透过率(PST)
Abstract: Space cameras are used for the detection and observation of a faint target in space. Image contrast degrades once stray light arrives at the detector such that the camera can sometimes fail. Optical systems with wide fields of view are particular sensitive to the stray light. Therefore, this paper analyzes the source of stray light for a space camera with a large field of view and summarizes suppression measurements through the research of stray radiation energy transmission theory. To satisfy the required size indicators, a vertical optical axis and the inclined hood are designed within a limited size so that the light shading structure can be discontinued. Results from a Tracepro simulation show that baffle with lean vane leads to better suppression of stray light, and that the point source transmittance out of the rejection angles of the system is at 10-7. The system can detect at least 6.5M stars. The suppression technique is proven to be effective and can be used as a reference for further optimization and design. -
表 1 最终遮光罩设计结果
Table 1. Final design results of baffle
ω/(°) D0/mm D1/mm L/mm 30° 114 204.9 95 60° 154 264.1 95 表 2 两视场方位可达到的探测星等
Table 2. Detectability of two fields of view
视场角ω 太阳规避角θ 抑制角外PST(θ) 可探测星等 30° 50° 2.34×10-7 ≥6.5 60° 70° 8.43×10-8 ≥7.5 -
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