摘要: 空间引力波探测对剩余加速度的要求极高,达到了10-15 ms-2Hz-1/2量级,然而在空间引力波探测时,惯性传感器所在位置的环境磁场会带来磁场力和洛伦兹力。为保证引力波的正常探测,必须将环境磁场及磁场梯度控制在一定范围内。本文主要针对星上剩磁对惯性传感器的影响,从星际磁场、卫星部件剩磁和时变磁场探测等几个方面探讨了剩磁与加速度之间的关系,也对卫星磁场源模拟以及磁场探测方法进行了讨论。结果表明,通过对磁场源位置和方向进行优化可以降低直流剩磁,通过弱磁探测装置对星际磁场和时变磁场进行实时监控以排除磁场噪声影响,对于得到高精度的引力波探测数据是必不可少的。本文研究说明实施星上剩磁对惯性传感器的影响分析是有必要的,并且可以发展一套卫星平台剩磁评估方案和弱磁探测方法。Abstract: The requirement of space gravitational wave detection on residual acceleration is extremely high(10-15 ms-2Hz-1/2), and the environmental magnetic field will cause magnetic force and Lorentz force. To ensure the accurately detection of gravitational wave, the environmental magnetic field and its gradient must be controlled within a low range. In this paper, we mainly research the effect of the on-board residual magnetism on internal sensors. Then, the relationship between residual magnetism and acceleration is explored from the aspects of interstellar magnetic field, residual magnetism of satellite components and time-varying magnetic field detection. Moreover, the simulation and detection of magnetic field are discussed. The results show that the remanence magnetic field can be reduced by optimizing the location and the orientation of the magnetic source. It is necessary to control magnetic field noise by real-time monitoring of interstellar magnetic field and time-varying magnetic field by adopting weak magnetic detection device for obtaining high-precision gravitational wave detection data. It can be concluded that it's necessary to analyze the influence of on-board residual magnetism on the inertial sensors, and the magnetic field evaluation schemes and weak magnetic detection methods for satellite platform should be developed.
图 1 左:Billingsley公司生产TFM100G4型三轴磁通门传感器照片,中图和右图分别为磁通门传感器的几何尺寸和示意图[21]
Figure 1. Left picture:billingsley tri-axial fluxgate magnetometer selected for LISA Pathfinder. Center and right: mechanical drawing and schematic of the inner sensor heads(X, Y and Z axis)
表 1 LISA-Pathfinder检验质量基本参数[12]
Table 1. Basic parameters of TM of LISA-Pathfinder
参数 数值 质量(m)/kg 1.96 边长(L)/m 0.046 面积(A)/m2 2.12×10-4 体积(V)/m3 9.73×10-5 电导率(σ0)/m-1Ω-1 3.33×106 磁化率(χ0) 2.5×10-5 虚部磁化率(δχ) 3×10-7 剩余磁矩(mr)/A·m2 2×10-8 磁化率频率因子(τe)/s 1/(2π630) 电荷数(q0) 1×107 表 2 LISA-Pathfinder任务中各磁场源数值[12]
Table 2. Magnetic sources of LISA-Pathfinder mission
参数 数值 卫星直流磁场分量/nT 144 星际直流磁场分量/nT 10 卫星磁场波动/nTHz-1/2 21 星际磁场波动/nTHz-1/2 55 卫星磁场梯度/nT m-1 11 500 星际磁场梯度 0 卫星磁场梯度波动/nT m-1 Hz-1/2 39 表 3 各类磁场噪声源对加速度噪声贡献[12]
Table 3. Contribution of various types of noise sources to the total acceleration noise
参数 加速度噪声(m s-2 Hz-1/2) 卫星磁场波动 0.680×10-15 星际磁场波动 1.701×10-15 卫星磁场梯度 1.097×10-15 交流磁场贡献 1.265×10-15 洛伦兹力贡献 0.013×10-15 总计 2.775×10-15 表 4 可能用于空间弱磁场探测小型磁传感器
Table 4. Small magnetic sensors which can possibly be used for space weak magnetic field detection
传感器 量程/μT 噪声密度/[nT·Hz-1/2]@1 Hz 精度/(V·mT-1) 尺寸/(mm×mm×mm) PCB-FG 50 0.02 120 33.5×15.6×0.9 [28] MicroFG 900 2.48 1.089 4.65×5.04[29] AMR 200 0.18 0.160 4×11.3×1.7[25] GMR 150 3 0.036 6×4.9×1.37[23] TMR 2 600 3.8 0.164 35×3×0.75[30] GMI 100 0.035 100 22.5×3[26] MI 17 0.003 68 10×0.8×0.5[27] CSAM 20 0.005 2.4 1.7×3.3×4.5[31] -
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