摘要: 由于其独特的大气敏感特性,太赫兹波在大气遥感领域起着越来越重要的作用。国际上太赫兹大气遥感技术发展方兴未艾。2004年,美国NASA发射AURA卫星,探测仪器中包括了具有两种极化的2.5 THz辐射计;2007年,欧空局ESA研制了Marschals外差式光谱仪,采用临边探测方式探测气体成分在亚毫米波段热辐射的高光谱。我国在轨气象卫星风云三号已经具备毫米波段辐射计,风云四号卫星是世界上首颗搭载太赫兹遥感仪的地球静止轨道气象卫星。针对我国大气遥感的现状,在概述国内外太赫兹遥感应用和技术的基础上,提出发展自主知识产权的大气遥感技术的思路;大力发展自主知识产权的太赫兹关键器件、太赫兹探测仪系统集成,研究太赫兹大气探测的新原理和反演新方法,整体提升我国在大气遥感领域的技术水平。Abstract: Terahertz waves play an increasingly important role in the field of atmosphere remote sensing due to its unique atmosphere sensitivity. Terahertz atmospheric remote sensing technology has been a research hotspot at the international level. In 2004, NASA launched AURA, which included 2.5THz radiometer with two polarization properties. In 2007, ESA developed the Marschals heterodyne spectrometer, which adopted limb scanning method to detect the hyperspectral spectra of gas components in sub-millimeter wave thermal radiation. Currently, China's in-orbit meteorological satellite Fengyun-Ⅲ is equipped with a millimeter-band radiometer, and Fengyun-Ⅳ is the world's first GEMS carrying terahertz remote sensing instrument. Based on the analysis of the application and technology of terahertz remote sensing at home and abroad, this paper puts forward the idea of developing remote sensing technology with independent intellectual property rights according to the current situation of atmospheric remote sensing in China.
Key words:
- terahertz /
- atmosphere remote sensing /
- cloud particles /
- radiometer
表 1 各频段辐射计与主要探测目标的关系
Table 1. The relationship between radiometer and main detection targets at each band
辐射计频段 主要探测目标 118 GHz O2 183 GHz H2O、HNO3、冰云、
压力切向分布、上对流层的水190 GHz H2O、HNO3 240 GHz CO、O3 325 GHz H2O 424 GHz O2 487 GHz O2 556 GHz H2O 640 GHz HCl、ClO、N2O、H2O 2.5 THz OH -
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