Fast recognition on star pattern with method of three FOVs based on rough location and azimuth
摘要: 为了在已知粗略方位角和地理位置时实现三视场天文定位定向设备的快速测量,给出了一种三视场定位定向设备的快速局部星图识别方法。分析了三视场定位定向设备使用全天球识别数据库执行三角形识别时识别效率低的原因;指出了应先进行视场内识别,后进行视场间识别以提高效率,并给出星图识别时角距误差门限的选取范围;给出了一种基于粗略位置和方位快速生成局部识别数据库的方法,它可以减少识别信息的冗余,实现高效的星图识别。仿真实验和野外实验结果表明:使用此局部识别方法正确识别率可达99.19%,识别速度为24.3 ms,基本满足三视场天文定位定向设备快速高效测量的要求。验证了局部星图识别方法的效率,以及采用先视场内识别后进行视场间识别方式的正确性。Abstract: In order to quickly navigate with the known rough azimuth and location information by three FOVs positioning and orientation device, a fast recognition method for local star pattern is proposed. First, we analyse the reasons of the low efficiency when performing the stars identification using global recognition database. Next, we note that it is a preferred method to perform star identification in one FOV firstly and identify the remaining stars between different FVOs, and give the angular distance error threshold. Then, we propose a method to generate the local recognition database, which can reduce the redundancy of identification information and improve recognition efficiency. The simulaion and field experiment results show that the correct identification rate using this recognition method is improved up to 99.19%, and rocognition time is about 24.3 ms, which can satisfy the system requirements for fast and efficient navigation. It also proves the correctness of the preferred recognition order.
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