Development and application of beryllium mirrors in optical systems
摘要: 综述了光电系统中铍反射镜常用材料的特性、加工方法、发展现状及最新应用。首先,介绍了目前国外铍反射镜常用材料的性能,铍反射镜基底制备、机械加工和光学加工等方面的发展现状。然后,以詹姆斯韦伯太空望远镜和F-9120航空远距离可见/红外双波段侦察相机为例,重点介绍了铍以及铍铝合金在空间和航空光电系统的反射镜及光机支撑结构上的最新应用。最后,对铍和铍铝合金在光电系统中的未来发展和应用前景提出了展望。Abstract: The material properties and processing method of beryllium mirrors are reviewed and their applications and development are also proposed. Firstly, the material properties of beryllium mirrors widely used in present and the current state-of-the-art of mirror substrate production, machining, grinding, nickel plating, polishing are introduced. Then, the latest application of the beryllium and beryllium-aluminum in the JWST(the James Webb Space Telescope) and the F-9120 high altitude dual band(EO/IR) tactical reconnaissance sensor are given. Finally, the future developments and application of beryllium and beryllium-aluminum for optical systems are discussed.
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