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Compact voice coil deformable mirror with high wavefront fitting precision

HU Li-fa JIANG Lv HU Qi-li XU Xing-yu HUANG Yang WU Jing-jing YU Lin

胡立发, 姜律, 胡启立, 徐星宇, 黄杨, 吴晶晶, 俞琳. 高波前拟合精度的紧凑型音圈变形镜[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(6): 1463-1474. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0001
引用本文: 胡立发, 姜律, 胡启立, 徐星宇, 黄杨, 吴晶晶, 俞琳. 高波前拟合精度的紧凑型音圈变形镜[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(6): 1463-1474. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0001
HU Li-fa, JIANG Lv, HU Qi-li, XU Xing-yu, HUANG Yang, WU Jing-jing, YU Lin. Compact voice coil deformable mirror with high wavefront fitting precision[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(6): 1463-1474. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0001
Citation: HU Li-fa, JIANG Lv, HU Qi-li, XU Xing-yu, HUANG Yang, WU Jing-jing, YU Lin. Compact voice coil deformable mirror with high wavefront fitting precision[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(6): 1463-1474. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0001


  • 中图分类号: TH74

Compact voice coil deformable mirror with high wavefront fitting precision

doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2023-0001
Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61475152); Fund for Key Laboratory of Electro-Optical Countermeasures Test & Evaluation Technology (No. GKCP2021001)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    HU Li-fa (1974—), male, born in Wuhan, Hubei Province, Ph.D., researcher and doctoral supervisor, obtained a doctorate degree from Northeastern University in 2003, is mainly engaged in liquid crystal adaptive optics research. E-mail:hulifa@jiangnan.edu.cn

    HUANG Yang (1988—), male, born in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, Ph.D., associate professor and master supervisor, obtained a doctorate degree from Soochow University in 2016, is mainly engaged in adaptive optics technology and application research. E-mail:yanghuang@jiangnan.edu.cn

    Corresponding author: yanghuang@jiangnan.edu.cn
  • 摘要:

    为了满足小型化自适应光学系统校正波前畸变的需求,基于系统理论分析设计了一种使用微型音圈驱动器的变形镜。使用电磁理论和有限元方法优化了微型音圈驱动器的结构参数。从热变形、共振频率、耦合系数等多个参数的角度对变形镜进行了优化。最后根据影响函数完成了波前拟合和残差计算。优化后的69单元紧凑型音圈变形镜具有大相位调制量、良好的热稳定性,第一共振频率为2220 Hz。对于PV值为1 µm的前35项泽尼克模式,紧凑型音圈变形镜的拟合残差均小于30 nm。对于复杂随机像差,紧凑型VCDM能够将波前RMS降至原来的10%以下。结果表明,与传统的音圈变形镜相比,紧凑型音圈变形镜具有更高的波前拟合精度。高性能、低成本的紧凑型音圈变形镜在视网膜成像和机载成像系统中具有良好的应用前景。


  • Figure 1.  Structure of micro VCA

    Figure 2.  Structure of VCDM. (a) Sectional view; (b) arrangement of VCAs

    Figure 3.  Magnetization directions of the permanent magnet. (a) Axial magnetization, (b) parallel magnetization, (c) radial magnetization

    Figure 4.  Electromagnetic force as a function of current for the permanent magnet at different magnetization directions

    Figure 5.  Force and efficiency as a function of the VCA’s structural parameters: (a) permanent magnet radius; (b) permanent magnet height; (c) coil inner diameter; (d) coil outer diameter; (e) coil height; (f) air gap

    Figure 6.  Electromagnetic force and efficiency as a function of current (Circle line, before optimization; pentagram line, after optimization)

    Figure 7.  The thermal analysis process of the VCDM

    Figure 8.  Temperature and thermal deformation of the VCDM’s thin mirror as a function of current. (a) The temperature of the thin mirror as a function of current. The inset shows the temperature chart of the thin mirror when the current is 0.1 A. (b) The thermal deformation chart of the mirror surface as a function of current. The inset shows the deformation chart of the thin mirror when the current is 0.06 A

    Figure 9.  Relationship between first resonance frequency of the DM and mirror thickness under different spring's stiffnesses

    Figure 10.  Relationship between coupling coefficient of the DM and mirror thickness under different spring's stiffnesses

    Figure 11.  Correction ability varying with the coupling coefficient

    Figure 12.  The influence function of S1

    Figure 13.  Wavefront fitting results of S1 for a single Zernike mode

    Figure 14.  The wavefront fitting results of S1 for complex random aberrations. From left to right, there is the original wavefront, the fitting wavefront and the residual wavefront

    Table  1.   Parameters for micro VCAs to be optimized

    Parameters Values(mm) Step
    Magnet radius rm 0.1≤rm≤1.1 0.1
    Magnet height hm 0.05≤hm≤1 0.05
    Coil inner diameter dc-in 0.2≤dc-in≤1 0.2
    Coil outer diameter dc-out 0.4≤dc-out≤2.2 0.2
    Coil height hc 0.1≤hc≤1 0.1
    Air gap hg 50≤hg≤100 10
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    Table  2.   Material parameters uesd in thermal analysis

    Material Thermal conductivity Coefficient of thermal expansion Density Young’s Modulus Poisson’s Ratio
    [W/m/ °C] [/ °C] [kg/m³] [Pa] [/]
    CP1 Polyimide 0.25 5.1×10−5 1540 2.1×109 0.34
    316 Stainless Steel 13.44 1.478×10−5 7954 1.95×1011 0.25
    Epoxy 0.294 1.688×10−5 1900 2.64×1010 0.1543
    NdFe35 7.7 3.2×10−6 7450 1.6×108 0.24
    Copper 112.1 1.999×10−5 8267 9.995×1010 0.345
    Aluminum Alloy 114 2.3×10−5 2770 7.1×1010 0.33
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