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张仲磷 杨岸龙 王江 程光华

张仲磷, 杨岸龙, 王江, 程光华. 基于紫外激光的羟基-平面激光诱导荧光探测研究进展[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(5): 1014-1034. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0013
引用本文: 张仲磷, 杨岸龙, 王江, 程光华. 基于紫外激光的羟基-平面激光诱导荧光探测研究进展[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(5): 1014-1034. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0013
ZHANG Zhong-lin, YANG An-long, WANG Jiang, CHENG Guang-hua. Research progress of hydroxy-plane laser-induced fluorescence detection based on ultraviolet laser[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(5): 1014-1034. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0013
Citation: ZHANG Zhong-lin, YANG An-long, WANG Jiang, CHENG Guang-hua. Research progress of hydroxy-plane laser-induced fluorescence detection based on ultraviolet laser[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(5): 1014-1034. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0013


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(No. 2022YFB4600201)



  • 中图分类号: TP394.1;TH691.9

Research progress of hydroxy-plane laser-induced fluorescence detection based on ultraviolet laser

Funds: Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2022YFB4600201)
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  • 图 1  平面激光诱导荧光成像原理图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of planar laser induced fluorescence imaging

    图 2  OH/丙酮-PLIF/PIV测量结果。(a)平均速度矢量及(b)OH-PLIF瞬时图像[29]

    Figure 2.  Measurement results of OH/acetone-PLIF/PIV. (a) Mean velocity vectors and (b) instantaneous OH-PLIF image[29]

    图 3  丙酮-PLIF在旋转爆震发动机的径向图[30]

    Figure 3.  Radial diagram of acetone-PLIF in a rotating detonation engine[30]

    图 4  OH与CH-PLIF在流向截面的火焰结构成像对比[33]

    Figure 4.  Comparison of OH-PLIF and CH-PLIF images in a cavity-stabilized scramjet combustor[33]

    图 5  1-8个大气压贫预混天然气火焰OH测量装置示意图[18]

    Figure 5.  Schematic diagram of experimental set-up for OH measurement of 1-8 atmospheres lean premixed natural gas flames[18]

    图 6  PLIF-PIV湍流射流举升火焰测量示意图。(a)实验装置;(b)射流燃烧器;(c)成像区域[44]

    Figure 6.  Schematic diagram of PLIF-PIV turbulent jet lift flame measurement. (a) Experimental setup; (b) jet burner; (c) imaging region[44]

    图 7  50 kHz高速OH-PLIF系统[47]

    Figure 7.  High-speed OH-PLIF system with refrequency of 50 kHz[47]

    图 8  20 kHz、CH2O -PLIF/PIV实验装置[48]

    Figure 8.  20 kHz, CH2O -PLIF/PIV experimental setup[48]

    图 9  Burst模式实验装置及测量结果[50]。 (a) 7.5 kHz、OH/CH2O -PLIF实验装置;(b) 355 nm激光能量稳定性;(c) 283 nm激光能量稳定性

    Figure 9.  Burst mode experimental setup and measurement results[50]. (a) 7.5 kHz, OH/CH2O-PLIF experimental setup; pluse energy residuals for (b) 355 nm and (c) 283 nm pluse

    图 10  10 kHz 双平面PIV和OH-PLIF实验装置图[51]。(a)实验光路布局图;(b)燃烧器光路鸟瞰图

    Figure 10.  Diagram of the 10 kHz biplane PIV and OH-PLIF experimental setups[51]. (a) Layout of experimental optical path; (b) aerial view of light path of the burner

    图 11  OPO紫外激光实验装置[52]

    Figure 11.  OPO Ultraviolet laser experimental equipment[52]

    图 12  种子注入burst模式OPO紫外激光实验装置[53]

    Figure 12.  Experimental setup for seed injection of burst-mode OPO UV lasers[53]

    图 13  基于OPO和倍频方式的50 kHz重频PLIF实验装置[54]

    Figure 13.  Experimental setup for 50 kHz PLIF based on OPO and frequency doubling method[54]

    图 14  超高速OH/CH2O-PLIF探测系统[55]

    Figure 14.  Schematic diagram of experimental setup for ultra-high-speed simultaneous OH and CH2O-PLIF[55]

    图 15  三臂Burst模式激光系统[56]

    Figure 15.  Schematic of the three-legged burst-mode laser system[56]

    图 16  高速OH-PLIF实验装置示意图。(a) MHz泵浦源光路[57];(b)基于OPO-burst OH-PLIF的旋转爆震燃烧实验装置[57];(c) OPO光路图[58]

    Figure 16.  Schematic diagram of the high-speed OH-PLIF experimental setup. (a) MHz pump source optical path[57]; (b) OPO-burst OH-PLIF based rotary burst combustion experimental setup; (c) OPO optical path diagram[58]

    图 17  飞秒OH-PLIF探测装置[59]

    Figure 17.  Femtosecond OH-PLIF detector[59]

    图 18  钛宝石OH-PLIF实验装置。(a)基于钛宝石三倍频实现的283 nm紫外激光器;(b)本生灯探测结果[60]

    Figure 18.  OH-PLIF experiment setup with Ti: sapphire. (a) 283 nm UV laser based on titanium gemstone triplex realisation; (b) Bunsen burner detection results[60]

    表  1  用于OH-PLIF的紫外激光器性能对比

    Table  1.   Performance Comparison of UV Lasers for OH-PLIF

    Year Operation mode Repetition frequency Wavelength Output power Pulse energy Conversion efficiency
    2007[18] Rhodamine +SHG 10 Hz 283.92 nm 0.06 W 6 mJ -
    2007[43] Rhodamine 5G+BBO SHG 2.5 kHz
    5 kHz
    283 nm 130 mW
    110 mW
    50 μJ
    22 μJ
    2009[44] Rhodamine 6G+SHG 1.5 kHz 283 nm 0.82 W 0.54 mJ 1.6%
    2009[45] Rhodamine 6G+BBO SHG 5 kHz 283.2 nm 0.5 W 100 μJ 2.6%
    2010[46] Rhodamine 6G+BBO SHG 10 kHz 283.2 nm 1.4 W 140 μJ 3.5%
    2014[47] Rhodamine 6G+2*BBO SHG+MOPA 50 kHz 283 nm 7 W 0.14 mJ 3.5%
    2018[48] Burst/Rhodamine 6G+SHG 20 kHz 283 nm 1.8 W 90 μJ 2.8%
    2018[49] Burst/Rhodamine 6G+MOPA+BBO SHG 7.5 kHz 282.985 nm 16.5 W 2.2 mJ -
    2018[11] Rhodamine 590+SHG - 283 nm - 12 mJ -
    2020[51] Dye laser+SHG 10 kHz 283.9 nm 1.6 W 0.16 mJ -
    2009[52] Burst/Seeding OPO+BBO SHG - 282.97 nm 0.2 W - -
    2017[53] Burst/Seeding OPO+BBO SFG 10 kHz 284.005 nm - 3 mJ -
    2017[54] Burst/Multi-YAG+OPO+SHG 50 kHz 283 nm - 2 mJ 1.25%
    2017[55] Burst/OPO+BBO SHG 50 kHz 284 nm - 350 μJ 0.7%
    2018[56] OPO+SFG 10 kHz 284 nm - 5 mJ 0.7%
    2020[58] Burst/Seeding OPO+BBO SFG 1 MHz 284 nm - 400 μJ 0.6%
    2020[59] fs Ti:sapphire+ BBO THG 1 kHz 283 nm - 90 μJ 4.5%
    2023[60] ns Ti:sapphire+LBO SHG+BBO THG 1 kHz 283 nm 0.56 W 0.56 mJ 2.8%
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