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陈宝华 吴泉英 唐运海 范君柳 陈晓翌 余浩墨 孙毅

陈宝华, 吴泉英, 唐运海, 范君柳, 陈晓翌, 余浩墨, 孙毅. 产生环形激光的光学系统设计[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(6): 1365-1375. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0045
引用本文: 陈宝华, 吴泉英, 唐运海, 范君柳, 陈晓翌, 余浩墨, 孙毅. 产生环形激光的光学系统设计[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(6): 1365-1375. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0045
CHEN Bao-hua, WU Quan-ying, TANG Yun-hai, FAN Jun-liu, CHEN Xiao-yi, YU Hao-mo, SUN Yi. Design of an optical system for generating ring-shaped laser beam[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(6): 1365-1375. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0045
Citation: CHEN Bao-hua, WU Quan-ying, TANG Yun-hai, FAN Jun-liu, CHEN Xiao-yi, YU Hao-mo, SUN Yi. Design of an optical system for generating ring-shaped laser beam[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(6): 1365-1375. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0045


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No. 62275187,No. 61875145,No. 11804243);江苏省十四五光学工程重点学科项目资助(No. 2021135);苏州市产业前瞻与关键核心技术项目资助(No. SYC2022145);苏州市重点实验室(No. SZS201202)



  • 中图分类号: O439

Design of an optical system for generating ring-shaped laser beam

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62275187, No. 61875145, No. 11804243); The Jiangsu Key Disciplines of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan (No. 2021135); Suzhou Industrial Outlook and Key Core Technology Project (No. SYC2022145); Suzhou Key Laboratory (No. SZS201202)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    为了产生半径可自由调控的聚焦环形激光且确保离焦后光束强度仍均匀,本文提出一种透射-反射式组合的环形光光学系统设计方法。对于透射式系统,基于等能量分割原理,建立入射光与出射光投射高度的映射函数,优化透镜的各项参数,将入射的高斯光先整形成平顶圆形光,实现光束强度均匀化。反射式系统通过调整焦面环形光直径调控范围、工作距离等参数,结合几何光线追迹原理,计算圆锥反射镜、抛物柱面镜及动镜的各项参数,将平顶圆形光再整形成环形光。实验结果表明:当动镜半顶角为16°时,所设计系统能够实现聚焦环形光半径在15~30 mm范围的自由调控,尺寸误差不超过0.05 mm,离焦后强度均匀度达到84%。该设计方法无需更换系统镜片即可兼顾强度均匀性和尺寸自由度,可操作性好,产生的环形光加工精度和效率更高。


  • 图 1  透射-反射式组合的环形光光学系统

    Figure 1.  Transmissive-reflective combined ring-shaped beam optical system

    图 2  透射式平顶光束整形系统

    Figure 2.  Transmissive flat-top beam shaping system

    图 3  不同切趾因子的(a)高斯光强分布曲线及(b)投射高度关系曲线

    Figure 3.  (a) Gaussian light intensity distribution curves and (b) projection height curve under different apodization factors

    图 4  透射式平顶光束整形系统设计图及设计结果

    Figure 4.  Transmission flat-topped beam shaping system and the results of the system

    图 5  反射式聚焦环形光整形系统

    Figure 5.  Reflective focusing ring-shaped laser beam system

    图 6  半顶角θ与移动距离L和焦面补偿距离ΔZ之间的关系曲线图

    Figure 6.  Relationship between the half vertex angle θ, and the distance L, the focal compensation distance ΔZ

    图 7  动镜是内圆锥时的反射式环形光系统及焊接应用

    Figure 7.  The optical system and welding application when the moving mirror is an inner conical mirror

    图 8  透射-反射式光学系统及焦面环形光尺寸参数

    Figure 8.  Transmission-reflection optical system and ring-shaped laser beam size parameters of focal plane

    图 9  平顶光整形前后的离焦光强分布图

    Figure 9.  Defocused light intensity distribution maps before and after flat top beam shaping

    图 10  镜片实物图

    Figure 10.  Diagram of lens components

    图 11  实验光路图

    Figure 11.  Experimental laser beam path diagram

    图 12  聚焦环形光半径调节示意图及实测与理论尺寸对比曲线

    Figure 12.  Adjustment diagram of focused ring-shaped laser beam radius and comparison curve between theoretical and actual measurement values

    图 13  环形光的离焦结果

    Figure 13.  Defocusing results of ring-shaped laser beam

    图 14  环形光系统中的平行平板玻璃透镜

    Figure 14.  Parallel flat lens in the ring-shaped laser beam system

    表  1  初始条件

    Table  1.   Initial condition

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    表  2  透镜参数

    Table  2.   Lens parameters

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    表  3  反射镜及面上特征点参数

    Table  3.   Parameters of characteristic points on the mirror and surface

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