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赵禄达 董骁 徐世龙 胡以华 张鑫源 钟易成

赵禄达, 董骁, 徐世龙, 胡以华, 张鑫源, 钟易成. 典型成像模式下非视域成像重建算法研究现状[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(3): 479-499. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0186
引用本文: 赵禄达, 董骁, 徐世龙, 胡以华, 张鑫源, 钟易成. 典型成像模式下非视域成像重建算法研究现状[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2023, 16(3): 479-499. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0186
ZHAO Lu-da, DONG Xiao, XU Shi-long, HU Yi-hua, ZHANG Xin-yuan, ZHONG Yi-cheng. Recent progress of non-line-of-sight imaging reconstruction algorithms in typical imaging modalities[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(3): 479-499. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0186
Citation: ZHAO Lu-da, DONG Xiao, XU Shi-long, HU Yi-hua, ZHANG Xin-yuan, ZHONG Yi-cheng. Recent progress of non-line-of-sight imaging reconstruction algorithms in typical imaging modalities[J]. Chinese Optics, 2023, 16(3): 479-499. doi: 10.37188/CO.2022-0186


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No. 61871389,No.62201597);国防科技大学科研计划重大项目(No. ZK18-01-02,No. ZK22-35);国防科技大学自主科研创新基金(No. 22-ZZCX-07);国防科技创新特区项目(No. 22-TQ23-07-ZD-01-001);军事类研究生资助课题(No. JY2021B042);湖南省研究生科研创新项目(No. CX20220045)



  • 中图分类号: O439

Recent progress of non-line-of-sight imaging reconstruction algorithms in typical imaging modalities

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61871389, No.62201597); the Research Plan Project of the National University of Defense Technology (No. ZK18-01-02, No. ZK22-35); Independent Scientific Research Project of National University of Defense Technology (No. 22-ZZCX-07); National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Special Zone Project (No. 22-TQ23-07-ZD-01-001); Military Graduate Student Funding Priorities (No. JY2021B042); Graduate Research Innovation Project of Hunan Province (No. CX20220045)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    非视域(Non-Line-of-Sight, NLoS)成像是近年来发展起来的一项新兴技术,其通过分析成像场景中的中介面信息来重建隐藏场景,实现了“拐弯成像”的效果,在多个领域有巨大的应用价值。本文主要针对NLoS成像重建算法进行综述性研究。考虑到目前NLoS成像分类存在交叉和非独立现象,本文基于物理成像模式和算法模型的不同特点,对其进行了独立的重新分类。根据提出的分类标准分别对传统和基于深度学习的NLoS成像重建算法进行了归纳总结,对代表性算法的发展现状进行了概述,推导了典型方法的实现原理,并对比了传统重建方法和基于深度学习的NLoS成像重建算法的重建应用结果。总结了NLoS成像目前存在的挑战和未来的发展方向。该研究对不同类型的NLoS成像进行了较为全面的梳理,对NLoS成像重建算法在内的一系列研究的进一步发展有着一定的支撑和推动作用。


  • 图 1  典型的NLoS成像模式

    Figure 1.  Typical NLoS imaging modalities

    图 2  NLoS成像重建算法的分类

    Figure 2.  Classification of reconstruction algorithms of NLoS imaging

    图 3  (a) NLoS 成像的三反射光轨迹及(b)隐藏物体重建的原理示意图(改编自文献[8])

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagrams of (a) three reflected light trajectories of NLoS imaging and (b) hidden object reconstruction principle (adapted from Ref. [8])

    图 4  反向椭球投影重建算法的原理示意图[11]

    Figure 4.  Schematic diagram of the principle of the inverse ellipsoidal projection reconstruction algorithm[11]

    图 5  共焦NLoS成像的硬件配置示意图[29]

    Figure 5.  Schematic diagram of the hardware configuration for confocal NLoS imaging[29]

    图 6  基于遮挡增强成像的被动NLoS成像系统示意图[49]

    Figure 6.  Schematic diagram of the passive NLoS imaging system based on occlusion-enhanced imaging[49]

    图 7  通过中介墙墙角阴影进行NLoS成像的示意图

    Figure 7.  Schematic diagram of NLoS imaging through intermediary wall corner penumbra

    图 8  基于深度学习的主动NLoS成像的实现过程示意图(改编自文献[62])

    Figure 8.  Schematic diagram of the active NLoS imaging implementing process based on deep learning (adapted from Ref. [62])

    图 9  基于深度学习和光传输矩阵分解的NLoS成像的原理示意图(改编自文献[74])

    Figure 9.  Schematic diagram of the NLoS imaging based on deep learning and optical transport matrices decomposition (adapted from Ref. [74])

    图 10  (a)基于深度学习的被动NLoS成像场景及(b)流行嵌入和最优传输分步生成式网络实现过程示意图(改编自文献[84])

    Figure 10.  (a) Passive NLoS imaging and (b) implementing process of popular embedding and optimal transmission generated step by step based on deep learning (adapted from Ref. [84])

    图 11  使用ShapeNet和LCT算法对6种隐藏场景进行重建的结果对比[62]

    Figure 11.  Comparison of reconstruction results of 6 hidden scenes using ShapeNet and LCT algorithms[62]

    图 12  使用CNN和两种PR算法(HIO、Alt-Min)对3种隐藏场景进行重建的结果对比[72]

    Figure 12.  Comparison of reconstruction results of 3 hidden scenes using CNN and PR algorithms (HIO and Alt-Min)[72]

    图 13  NeTF网络结构示意图[75]

    Figure 13.  An illustration of the NeTF network architecture [75]

    图 14  使用NeTF网络与传统NLoS成像中的Phasor Field、快速F-K迁移法和DLCT算法[34]对6种隐藏场景进行重建的结果对比[75]

    Figure 14.  Comparison of reconstruction results of 6 hidden scenes using NeTF and traditional NLoS reconstruction algorithms (Phasor Field, F-K and DLCT)[75]

    图 15  使用NLOS-OT与U-Net和C-GAN对4类隐藏场景进行重建的结果对比[80]

    Figure 15.  Comparison of reconstruction results of 4 type of hidden scenes using NLOS-OT and U-Net, C-GAN[80]

    表  1  不同种类的NLoS重建SOTA算法的多角度总结和对比分析

    Table  1.   A multi-perspective summary and comparative analysis of different kinds of NLoS reconstruction SOTA algorithms

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