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张兴超 潘锐 韩嘉悦 董翔 王军

张兴超, 潘锐, 韩嘉悦, 董翔, 王军. 拓扑量子材料光电探测器研究进展[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2021, 14(1): 43-65. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0096
引用本文: 张兴超, 潘锐, 韩嘉悦, 董翔, 王军. 拓扑量子材料光电探测器研究进展[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2021, 14(1): 43-65. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0096
ZHANG Xing-chao, PAN Rui, HAN Jia-yue, DONG Xiang, WANG Jun. Recent progress and prospects of topological quantum material-based photodetectors[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(1): 43-65. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0096
Citation: ZHANG Xing-chao, PAN Rui, HAN Jia-yue, DONG Xiang, WANG Jun. Recent progress and prospects of topological quantum material-based photodetectors[J]. Chinese Optics, 2021, 14(1): 43-65. doi: 10.37188/CO.2020-0096


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(No. 61922022);国家自然科学基金创新研究群体科学基金(No. 61421002);国家自然科学基金(No. 61875031)


    董 翔(1982—),男,四川成都人,电子科技大学助理研究员,2005年、2014年于电子科技大学分别获得学士、博士学位,主要从事光电探测器件及其敏感材料研究。E-mail:dongxiang@uestc.edu.cn

    王 军(1982—),男,山东聊城人,电子科技大学教授、博士生导师,2002年、2008年于电子科技大学分别获得学士、博士学位,长期从事室温红外与太赫兹探测技术相关研究,荣获国家技术发明二等奖、教育部及工信部技术发明二等奖、获得自然科学基金优秀青年基金和教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划等资助。E-mail:uestc_wj@yahoo.com

  • 中图分类号: O434;TN29

Recent progress and prospects of topological quantum material-based photodetectors

Funds: Supported by Outstanding Youth Foundation of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61922022); Foundation for Innovative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.61421002); National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61875031)
More Information
  • 摘要: 物质拓扑态的发现是近年来凝聚态物理和材料科学的重大突破。由于存在不同于常规半导体的特殊拓扑量子态(如狄拉克费米子、外尔费米子、马约拉纳费米子等),拓扑量子材料通常能表现出一些新颖的物理特性(如量子反常霍尔效应、三维量子霍尔效应、零带隙的拓扑态、超高的载流子迁移率等),因而在低能耗电子器件和宽光谱光电探测器件领域具有重要的研究价值。本文综述了拓扑量子材料的特性与制备方法以及在光电探测领域的发展现状,重点讨论了拓扑绝缘体与拓扑半金属宽光谱光电探测器的器件结构与性能,同时也对拓扑量子材料在光电探测器领域的发展前景进行了展望。


  • 图 1  光电探测器类型与探测机理示意图

    Figure 1.  Photodetector categories and schematic diagram of detection mechanisms

    图 2  拓扑量子材料制备方法

    Figure 2.  Preparation methods of some topological quantum material

    图 3  (a, b) Bi2Se3纳米线光电探测器示意图及其在1064 nm辐射下的光电流响应[60];(c, d) Bi2Se3纳米线/Si异质结结构示意图及其在808 nm下的光电流响应[61];(e)Bi2Se3/Si纳米片器件结构示意图[62];(f)Bi2Se3纳米片太赫兹光电探测器结构示意图[64]

    Figure 3.  (a, b) Schematic diagram of a Bi2Se3 nanowire photodetector and its photocurrent response under 1064 nm[60]; (c, d) schematic diagram of a Bi2Se3 nanowire/Si heterojunction and its photocurrent response at 808 nm[61]; (e) schematic diagram of a Bi2Se3/Si nanosheet device[62]; (f) schematic diagram of a Bi2Se3 nanosheet terahertz photodetector[64]

    图 4  (a-d) Bi2Se3/石墨烯异质结[65]、Bi2Se3/MoO3异质结[66]、Bi2Se3薄膜/钙钛矿量子点[67]及以Bi2Se3薄膜为电极的钙钛矿薄膜光电探测器结构示意图[68]

    Figure 4.  (a-d) Schematic diagrams of photodetector based on Bi2Se3/graphene[65], Bi2Se3/MoO3 heterojunction[66], Bi2Se3film/ perovskite quantum dots[67] and perovskite film with Bi2Se3 electrodes[68]

    图 5  (a, b) Bi2Te3的器件结构示意图及偏振特性[69];(c)Bi2Te3/WS2垂直异质结光电探测器结构示意图[70];(d)以Bi2Te3作为电极的SnS2光电探测器结构示意图[71];(e,f) Bi2Te3/有机小分子平面异质结光电探测器及其能带结构示意图[72]

    Figure 5.  (a, b) Device structure and polarization characteristics of Bi2Te3[69]; (c, d) schematic diagram of photodetector based on Bi2Te3/WS2 vertical heterojunction[70]and SnS2 with Bi2Te3 electrode[71]; (e, f) schematic diagram of Bi2Te3/organic small molecule planar heterojunction photodetector and its corresponding energy band structure[72]

    图 6  (a, b)石墨烯/Bi2Te3复合光电探测器结构示意图及其光谱吸收特性[75];(c, d)Bi2Te3/WSe2异质结光电探测器及其光电响应特性[76]

    Figure 6.  (a, b) Graphene/Bi2Te3 photodetector and its corresponding spectral absorption characteristic[75]; (c, d) Bi2Te3/ WSe2 photodetector and its corresponding photocurrent response characteristic[76]

    图 7  (a, b)Sb2Te3薄膜光电探测器及其能带结构示意图[77];(c) Sb2Te3/STO异质结光电探测器阵列示意图[78];(d) Sb2Te3/MoS2异质结光电晶体管示意图[79]

    Figure 7.  (a, b) Schematic diagram of Sb2Te3 thin film photodetector and its corresponding charge transfer mechanism[77]; (c,d) schematic diagrams of Sb2Te3/STO heterojunction array[78] and Sb2Te3/MoS2 heterojunction phototransistor[79]

    图 8  (a, b)SnTe薄膜光电探测器结构示意图及SEM图像[83];(c, d)SnTe纳米片光电探测器结构示意图及SEM图形表征[84]

    Figure 8.  (a, b) Schematic diagram of an SnTe thin film photodetector and its SEM image[83]; (c, d) schematic diagram of SnTe nano-flake photodetector and its SEM image[84]

    图 9  (a, b)两种不同结构的SnTe薄膜光电探测器示意图[85-86];(c,d)Bi2Se3/SnTe异质结光电探测器及能带结构示意图[87]

    Figure 9.  (a, b) Schematic diagrams of SnTe thin film photodetectors with different structures[85-86]; (c,d) schematic diagram of Bi2Se3/SnTe heterojunction and its corresponding energy band structure[87]

    图 10  (a, b) Cd3As2薄膜/并五苯异质结能带结构及在不同波段下的光电流响应特性[93];(c, d) Cd3As2薄膜、Cd3As2/DPEPO和Cd3As2/PEDOT:PSS异质结光谱吸收特性及在不同条件下的响应度[94]

    Figure 10.  (a, b) Charge transfer mechanism and photocurrent response characteristics of Cd3As2 film/Pentacene[93];(c,d)absorption spectra of Cd3As2 film, Cd3As2/DPEPO and Cd3As2/PEDOT:PSS heterojunction and responsivities under different wavebands[94]

    图 11  (a, b) PtTe2和PtTe2/石墨烯异质结太赫兹器件的结构示意图[96];(c,d)PtTe2/石墨烯异质结器件的SEM图像及电荷转移机理[97]

    Figure 11.  (a, b) Schematic diagram of PtTe2 and PtTe2/graphene heterojunction terahertz devices[96]; (c, d) charge transfer mechanism of PtTe2/graphene heterojunction device and its SEM image[97]

    图 12  (a) TaAs光电探测器结构示意图及其 (b) 光电流响应特性[98]

    Figure 12.  (a) Schematic diagram of TaAs photodetector structure and (b) corresponding photocurrent response characteristics[98]

    图 13  (a) MoTe2/Si异质结光电探测器结构示意图[104];(b) MoTe2/Ge异质结光电探测器结构示意图[105];(c) MoTe2/石墨烯异质结光电探测器结构示意图[106];(d) MoTe2纳米片/CdS纳米片异质结光电探测器结构示意图[108]

    Figure 13.  Schematic diagrams of (a) MoTe2/Si[104], (b) MoTe2/Ge[105], (c) MoTe2/graphene[106] and (d) MoTe2/CdS[108] heterojunction photodetectors

    图 14  拓扑量子材料光电探测器的响应率与波长分布

    Figure 14.  The responsivity and wavelength distributions of topological quantum materials

    图 15  二维材料与拓扑量子材料光电探测器响应波段对比

    Figure 15.  Detection ranges of two-dimensional materials and topological quantum materials

    表  1  基于拓扑绝缘体的光电探测器性能参数

    Table  1.   Performance parameters of photodetectors based on topological insulators

    Topological TypeActive MaterialsResponsivity (A·W−1)Bias (V)Detectivity (Jones)Response time (ms)Detecting range (nm)Ref.
    Topological insulatorBi2Se3 NW300 @1064 nm0.1757.5×109550/400532~1064[60]
    Bi2Se3 NW/Si924.2 @808 nm−52.38×101245/47380~1310[61]
    Bi2Se3/Si NW938.4@890 nmNA2.35×101341/79Near-infrared[62]
    Bi2Se3/ln2Se31650 @633 nm5NANAVisible[63]
    Bi2Se3 flakes75 @THZ02.17×101160Terahertz[64]
    Bi2Se3 film/Gra1.97 @ 3.5 μm0.51.7×109NAMid-infrared[65]
    Bi2Se3film/MoO32609 @1310 nm209.43×101063/78405~1550[66]
    Bi2Te3 film/WS230.4 @ 1550 nm32.3×101120/20375~1550[70]
    Bi2Te3/Pentacene14.89 @650 nm07.8×10101.89/2.47450~3500[72]
    Bi2Te3/CuPc23.54 @650 nm01.85×10101.42/1.98405~3500[73]
    Bi2Te3 flake/Gra35 @532 nm1NANA532~1550[75]
    WSe2/Bi2Te32100@633 nm1NA0.18/0.21375~1550[76]
    Sb2Te3 film21.7 @980 nm11.22×1011NANear-infrared[77]
    Sb2Te3/STO0.048 @405 nm08.6×10100.030/0.095405~1550[78]
    Sb2Te3/MoS2330 @520 nm−110120.36/0.47Visible[79]
    Topological Crystalline InsulatorSnTe film3.75 @2003 nm2NA310/850405~3800[83]
    SnTe flake49.03 @650 nm1NA210/730254~4650[84]
    SnTe/Si2.36 @1064 nm01.54×10142.2/3.8 Near-infrared[86]
    SnTe/Bi2Se30.146@1550 nm−51.15×10106.9/19.2 Near-infrared[87]
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    表  2  基于狄拉克半金属的光电探测器性能参数

    Table  2.   Performance parameters of photodetectors based on Dirac semi-metal

    Topological TypeActive materialsResponsivity (A·W−1)Bias (V)Detectivity (Jones)Response time (ms)Detecting range (nm)Ref.
    Dirac semi-metalCd3As2 0.0059 @633 nm0.01NA6.9 ps(intrinsic)532~10600[89]
    Cd3As2/MoS22700 @405 nm2NA0.043/0.065365~1550[91]
    Cd3As2/pentacene0.0362@650 nm0.0005NA30/60450~10600[93]
    Cd3As2/DPEPO0.729 @808 nm0NA9.7/11.4365~10600[94]
    Cd3As2/PEDOT:PSS0.104 @808 nm0NA0.282/0.517405~10600[94]
    Bilayer PtSe20.15 @632 nm0.17×1081.2632~10000[96]
    PtTe21.6 @ THZ0NA0.017/0.16Terahertz[97]
    Weyl semi-metalTaAs0.0007 @438.5 nm0.00011.68×108NA438~10290[98]
    MoTe2 flake0.0004 @532 nm01.07×1080.043532~10600[100]
    Weyl semi-metalWTe2 flake250 @3.8 μm (77 K)0.1NANA514.5~10600[102]
    TaIrTe40.02@10.6 μm01.8×1080.027532~10600[103]
    MoTe2 film/Si0.19 @980 nm06.8×1013150/350 (ns)300~1800[104]
    MoTe2 flake/Ge12460 @915 nm−23.3 ×1012 5Near-infrared[105]
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