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Laser-assisted water jet machining of high quality micro-trap structures on stainless steel surfaces

LIU Li YAO Peng CHU Dong-kai XU Xiang-yue QU Shuo-shuo HUANG Chuan-zhen

刘莉, 姚鹏, 褚东凯, 徐相悦, 屈硕硕, 黄传真. 不锈钢表面高质量微陷阱结构的激光辅助水射流加工[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(6): 1476-1488. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0004
引用本文: 刘莉, 姚鹏, 褚东凯, 徐相悦, 屈硕硕, 黄传真. 不锈钢表面高质量微陷阱结构的激光辅助水射流加工[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(6): 1476-1488. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0004
LIU Li, YAO Peng, CHU Dong-kai, XU Xiang-yue, QU Shuo-shuo, HUANG Chuan-zhen. Laser-assisted water jet machining of high quality micro-trap structures on stainless steel surfaces[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(6): 1476-1488. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0004
Citation: LIU Li, YAO Peng, CHU Dong-kai, XU Xiang-yue, QU Shuo-shuo, HUANG Chuan-zhen. Laser-assisted water jet machining of high quality micro-trap structures on stainless steel surfaces[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(6): 1476-1488. doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0004


  • 中图分类号: TN249

Laser-assisted water jet machining of high quality micro-trap structures on stainless steel surfaces

doi: 10.37188/CO.EN-2024-0004
Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52075302); Shenzhen Science and Technology Plan (No. GJHZ20210705142537003)
More Information
    Author Bio:

    LIU Li (1988—), female, born in Rizhao, Shandong Province, Doctoral student. She obtained her master's degree from Shandong Agricultural University in 2013, mainly engaged in the research of ultra fast laser micro nano processing, stainless steel surface micro groove processing, and ultra fast laser ablation of atherosclerotic plaque technology. E-mail: liuli0685@163.com

    YAO Peng (1979—), male, born in Dalian, Liaoning Province, PhD, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor. He received his doctoral degree from Northeastern University (Japan) in 2011, Mainly engaged in research on grinding and ultra precision machining technology, multi energy field composite precision machining technology, and laser micro/nano machining technology. E-mail: yaopeng@sdu.edu.cn

    CHU Dong-kai (1991—), male, born in Lvliang, Shanxi Province, PhD, Assistant researcher, master's supervisor. He received his doctoral degree from Central South University in 2020. Mainly engaged in research on ultrafast laser micro nano manufacturing, functional surface preparation for release wave-absorbing, and ultra precision machining technology. E-mail: chudongkai@sdu.edu.cn

    Corresponding author: yaopeng@sdu.edu.cnchudongkai@sdu.edu.cn
  • 摘要:



  • Figure 1.  Experimental equipment and principles diagram. (a) Principle diagram of laser-assisted water jet test device; (b) schematic diagram of composite cutting head device

    Figure 2.  (a) Groove depth and (b) groove width varying with jet pressure at two repetition frequencies and pulse widths

    Figure 3.  (a) Groove depth and (b) groove width varying with power at different jet pressures

    Figure 4.  Trend of groove depth and groove width with number of repetitions at different jet pressures. (a) The changing trend of groove depth. (b) The changing trend of groove width.

    Figure 5.  Groove depth varying with power at different jet pressures and scanning speeds

    Figure 6.  Groove width varying with power at different jet pressures and scanning speeds

    Figure 7.  Surface morphology of micro-grooves with different parameters at nozzle offset distance with repetition frequency are 0, 100 kHz, respectively. (a) Surface morphology of micro-grooves when the scanning speed is 1 mm/s, the waterjet pressure is 4 M, the laser power is 30~40 W, respectively. (b) Surface morphology of micro-grooves when the scanning speed is 2 mm/s, the waterjet pressure is 16 M, the laser power is 50~60 W, respectively. (c) Surface morphology of micro-grooves when the scanning speed is 2 mm/s, the waterjet pressure is 6~8 M, the laser power is 70 W, respectively. (d) Surface morphology of micro-grooves when the scanning speed is 1 mm/s, the waterjet pressure is 8~9 M, the laser power is 90 W, respectively

    Figure 8.  Groove depth varying with jet pressure at different scanning speeds and powers

    Figure 9.  Groove width varying with jet pressure at different scanning speeds and powers

    Figure 10.  The surface morphology of the pround sign shaped structure. (a) Surface morphology of the pound sign shaped structure when the repetition frequency is 100 kHz, the scanning speed is 1 mm/s and the laser power is 70 W, respectively. (b) Surface morphology of the “well” when the repetition frequency is 490 kHz, the scanning speed is 1 mm/s, the waterjet pressure is 10 M and the laser power is 40 W, respectively. (c) Surface morphology of the “well” when the repetition frequency is 315 kHz, the scanning speed is 1 mm/s, the waterjet pressure is 12 M, and the laser power is 40 W, respectively

    Figure 11.  Surface morphology of large-area pround sign shaped structures

    Figure 12.  Comparison of SEE coefficients of 316L stainless steel before and after processing

    Table  1.   Parameters of 316L stainless steel processed by laser-assisted water jet technology

    Processing parameters numerical value
    Repetition rate(kHz) 100,315,490
    Focal plane(mm) 0,0.035
    Target distance(mm) 0.6
    Nozzle angle 45°
    Offset distance(mm) 0,0.5
    Number of repetitions 1,2,3,4,5
    Row spacing(μm) 70,80,90,100
    Jet pressure(MPa) 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20
    Laser power(W) 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100
    Processing speed(mm/s) 1,2,3
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-02-01
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