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李斌 刘银岭 杨阿坤 陈莫

李斌, 刘银岭, 杨阿坤, 陈莫. 基于深度降噪卷积神经网络的宽波段共相检测研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(6): 1329-1339. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0079
引用本文: 李斌, 刘银岭, 杨阿坤, 陈莫. 基于深度降噪卷积神经网络的宽波段共相检测研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(6): 1329-1339. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0079
LI Bin, LIU Yin-ling, YANG A-kun, CHEN Mo. Broad-band co-phase detection based on denoising convolutional neural network[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(6): 1329-1339. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0079
Citation: LI Bin, LIU Yin-ling, YANG A-kun, CHEN Mo. Broad-band co-phase detection based on denoising convolutional neural network[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(6): 1329-1339. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0079


cstr: 32171.14.CO.2024-0079
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No. 12103019);江西省自然科学青年基金(No. 20232BAB211023)

    李 斌(1989—),男,江西鹰潭人,博士,副教授,华东交通大学机电学院教师,2012 年于武汉大学获得学士学位,2017 年于中国科学院光电技术研究所获得博士学位,主要从事拼接镜共相检测和太赫兹光谱应用的研究。E-mail:libingioe@126.com

  • 中图分类号: O436

Broad-band co-phase detection based on denoising convolutional neural network

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 12103019); Natural Science Youth Foundation of Jiangxi Province (No. 20232BAB211023)
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  • 图 1  子镜间的圆孔衍射示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of circular aperture diffraction between submirrors

    图 2  掩膜半径为r的理论圆孔衍射图

    Figure 2.  Theoretical diffractogram of circular aperture with mask radius r

    图 3  Corr2随piston误差变化关系图

    Figure 3.  Relationship between Corr2 and piston error

    图 4  20 dB加性高斯白噪声影响下的Corr2图像

    Figure 4.  Corr2 image under the influence of 20 dB additive white Gaussian noise

    图 5  含噪声的共相误差检测流程图

    Figure 5.  Detection flowchart of co-phase error with noise

    图 6  DnCNN的网络结构

    Figure 6.  The network structure of the DnCNN

    图 7  DnCNN训练时损失函数和学习率的变化过程

    Figure 7.  The change process of the loss function and learning rate during DnCNN training

    图 8  当4组子镜的piston分别为−0.2 μm、0、0.2 μm、2 μm时,不同方法的降噪效果图。(a)清晰图像;(b)噪声图像;(c)使用BM3D网络降噪后的图像;(d)使用WNNM网络降噪后的图像;(e)使用DnCNN降噪后的图像

    Figure 8.  Plots of the noise reduction effect of different methods for Gaussian noise for four sets of submirror piston errors of −0.2, 0, 0.2, and 2 μm. (a) Clear images; (b) noisy images; (c) images after noise reduction by BM3D network; (d) images after noise reduction by WNNM network; (e) images after noise reduction by DnCNN

    图 9  DnCNN高斯噪声降噪效果图

    Figure 9.  Effect of DnCNN Gaussian noise reduction

    图 10  对于piston分别为−0.2 μm、0、0.2 μm、2 μm的4组子镜,不同方法对于泊松噪声的降噪效果图。(a)清晰图像;(b)噪声图像;(c)使用BM3D网络降噪后的图像;(d)使用DnCNN网络降噪后的图像

    Figure 10.  The denoising effect of different methods on Poisson noise for four sets of submirror piston errors of −0.2 μm, 0, 0.2 μm, and 2 μm (from left to right). (a) Clear images; (b) noisy images; (c) images denoised by BM3D network; (d) images denoised by DnCNN

    图 11  DnCNN泊松噪声降噪效果图

    Figure 11.  Effect of DnCNN Poisson noise reduction

    图 12  共相误差检测系统

    Figure 12.  Co-phase error detection system

    图 13  (a)不含piston误差及(b)含piston误差的相机直采衍射图像

    Figure 13.  Camera direct images (a) without piston error (b) with piston error

    图 14  图像增强后的降噪效果对比。(a)(c)原始含噪声图像;(b)(d)降噪后图像

    Figure 14.  Comparison of denoise effect after image enhancement. (a) (b) Original noise-containing images; (c) (d) images after denoising

    表  1  4组具有不同piston误差的含有高斯噪声的图像降噪前、后与清晰无噪声图像之间的SSIM值

    Table  1.   SSIM values between images containing Gaussian noise with four sets of submirror piston errors before and after noise reduction and clear noise-free images

    piston SSIM值
    −0.2 μm 0.3527 0.2049 0.9747
    0 0.2680 0.1376 0.9811
    0.2 μm 0.3639 0.2109 0.9762
    2 μm 0.3959 0.2294 0.9810
    SSIM均值 0.3451 0.1957 0.9783
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    表  2  4组子镜piston误差下,PSNR在40 ~20 dB范围内的降噪前、降噪后图像与清晰无噪声图像之间的SSIM值

    Table  2.   SSIM values between pre- and post-noise reduction images with four sets of submirror piston errors and clear noise-free images when PSNR in the range of 40 dB to 20 dB

    piston=-0.2 μm piston=0 piston=0.2 μm piston=2 μm
    PSNR before after before after before after before after
    20 0.2875 0.9747 0.2610 0.9811 0.2892 0.9762 0.2954 0.9810
    24 0.4794 0.9766 0.4669 0.9954 0.4858 0.9785 0.4942 0.9811
    28 0.6992 0.9753 0.6798 0.9962 0.7001 0.9769 0.6981 0.9824
    32 0.8536 0.9739 0.8387 0.9962 0.8537 0.9738 0.8519 0.9785
    36 0.9349 0.9735 0.9321 0.9965 0.9354 0.9739 0.9366 0.9761
    40 0.9731 0.9726 0.9714 0.9966 0.9726 0.9728 0.9735 0.9750
    AVG 0.7046 0.9744 0.6917 0.9937 0.7061 0.9754 0.7083 0.9790
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    表  3  4组子镜piston误差下的含有泊松噪声的图像在降噪前、后与清晰无噪声图像之间的SSIM值

    Table  3.   SSIM values between images containing Poisson noise with four sets of submirror piston errors before and after noise reduction and clear noise-free image

    piston=−0.2 μm piston=0 piston=0.2 μm piston=2 μm 平均值
    BM3D 0.9114 0.8966 0.9334 0.9046 0.9115
    DnCNN 0.9998 0.9998 0.9997 0.9998 0.9998
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    表  4  4组子镜piston误差下,PSNR在30 dB至10 dB范围内的降噪前、降噪后图像与清晰无噪声图像之间的SSIM值

    Table  4.   SSIM values of pre- and post-noise reduction images and clear noise-free images with PSNR in the range of 30 dB to 10 dB for four sets of submirror piston errors

    piston=-0.2 μm piston=0 piston=0.2 μm piston=2 μm
    PSNR before after before after before after before after
    10 0.0726 0.9973 0.0579 0.9970 0.0761 0.9973 0.0838 0.9973
    14 0.2046 0.9995 0.2032 0.9996 0.1985 0.9995 0.3131 0.9996
    18 0.5811 0.9995 0.5337 0.9993 0.5453 0.9995 0.6148 0.9981
    22 0.7555 0.9997 0.8255 0.9998 0.7599 0.9995 0.7926 0.9997
    26 0.8767 0.9999 0.9125 0.9999 0.9406 0.9998 0.9617 0.9999
    30 0.9543 0.9998 0.9781 0.9998 0.9496 0.9999 0.9307 0.9997
    AVG 0.5741 0.9993 0.5852 0.9992 0.5783 0.9993 0.6161 0.9991
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