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王冠程 赵百轩 郑凯丰 陈宇鹏 赵莹泽 秦余欣 王惟彪 刘国豪 盛开洋 吕金光 梁静秋

王冠程, 赵百轩, 郑凯丰, 陈宇鹏, 赵莹泽, 秦余欣, 王惟彪, 刘国豪, 盛开洋, 吕金光, 梁静秋. 基于自适应红外多波段联合光谱分析的高精度气体浓度反演研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(6): 1340-1350. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0071
引用本文: 王冠程, 赵百轩, 郑凯丰, 陈宇鹏, 赵莹泽, 秦余欣, 王惟彪, 刘国豪, 盛开洋, 吕金光, 梁静秋. 基于自适应红外多波段联合光谱分析的高精度气体浓度反演研究[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(6): 1340-1350. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0071
WANG Guan-cheng, ZHAO Bai-xuan, ZHENG Kai-feng, CHEN Yu-peng, ZHAO Ying-ze, QIN Yu-xin, WANG Wei-biao, LIU Guo-hao, SHENG Kai-yang, LV Jin-guang, LIANG Jing-qiu. Research on high-precision gas concentration inversion based on adaptive infrared multi-band joint spectral analysis[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(6): 1340-1350. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0071
Citation: WANG Guan-cheng, ZHAO Bai-xuan, ZHENG Kai-feng, CHEN Yu-peng, ZHAO Ying-ze, QIN Yu-xin, WANG Wei-biao, LIU Guo-hao, SHENG Kai-yang, LV Jin-guang, LIANG Jing-qiu. Research on high-precision gas concentration inversion based on adaptive infrared multi-band joint spectral analysis[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(6): 1340-1350. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0071


cstr: 32171.14.CO.2024-0071
基金项目: 吉林省科技发展计划(No. 20230201049GX,No. 20230508137RC,No. 20230508141RC,No. 20240602066RC);国家自然科学基金(No. 61627819,No. 62305339,No. 61727818,No. 61805239);中国科学院青年创新促进会人才基金(No. 2018254);国家重点研发计划(No. 2022YFB3604702)

    吕金光(1984—),男,吉林蛟河人,博士,研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,2008 年于吉林大学获得学士学位,2013年于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所获得博士学位,主要从事相干光谱成像与光学信息处理方面的研究。E-mail:jinguanglv@163.com

    梁静秋(1962—),女,吉林长春人,博士,研究员,博士生导师,2003年于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所获得博士学位,主要从事微光机电系统及光通信、红外光谱技术及仪器、Micro LED芯片及应用等方面的研究。E-mail:liangjq@ciomp.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: TP394.1;TH691.9

Research on high-precision gas concentration inversion based on adaptive infrared multi-band joint spectral analysis

Funds: Supported by Jilin Provincial Scientific and Technological Development Program (No. 20230201049GX, No. 20230508137RC, No. 20230508141RC, No. 20240602066RC); National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61627819, No. 62305339, No. 61727818, No. 61805239); Youth Innovation Promotion Association Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. 2018254); National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2022YFB3604702)
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  • 图 1  自适应多波段联合浓度反演算法流程图

    Figure 1.  Flow chart of adaptive multi-band joint concentration inversion algorithm

    图 2  实验原理图

    Figure 2.  Experimental principal diagram

    图 3  实验装置图

    Figure 3.  Experimental device

    图 4  (a)~(j)分别为10种浓度N2O气体的实测透过率光谱与理论透过率光谱,其中1~2、3~4以及5~6为实测有效波段范围

    Figure 4.  (a) to (j) are the measured and theoretical transmittance spectra of N2O gas with different concentrations, where 1 to 2, 3 to 4 and 5 to 6 are the measured effective band ranges

    图 5  2.8%浓度N2O气体在有效波段(a) 2144~2176 cm−1及(b) 2519~2600 cm−1的光谱拟合结果及其残差分布

    Figure 5.  The spectral fitting results and residual distribution of N2O gas with concentration of 2.8% in the effective band of (a) 2144 to 2176 cm−1 and (b) 2519 to 2600 cm−1

    图 6  4.4%浓度N2O气体在有效波段(a) 2144~2176 cm−1、(b) 2430~2491 cm−1、(c) 2519~2600 cm−1的光谱拟合结果及其残差分布

    Figure 6.  The spectral fitting results and residual distribution of N2O gas with concentration of 4.4% in the effective band of (a) 2144 to 2176 cm−1, (b) 2430 to 2491 cm−1, (c) 2519 to 2600 cm−1

    图 7  传统单波段与传统多波段以及自适应多波段联合的浓度反演结果相较于真实值的误差分布

    Figure 7.  The error distribution of the traditional single-band, traditional multi-band, and adaptive multi-band joint concentration inversion results compared with the real values

    图 8  自适应多波段联合浓度反演结果的分布曲线

    Figure 8.  Distribution curve of adaptive multi-band joint concentration inversion results

    表  1  10种浓度N2O气体的实测有效波段与理论有效波段及其误差分析

    Table  1.   The measured and theoretical effective bands of N2O gas with 10 concentrations and their error analysis

    浓度 实测有效波段( cm−1) 理论有效波段( cm−1) 区间误差
    2.8% 2144~2176, 2519~2600 2141~2173, 2520~2600 ≤4 cm−1
    3.0% 2144~2176, 2518~2600 2141~2173, 2520~2600 ≤4 cm−1
    3.2% 2143~2176, 2518~2600 2141~2173, 2520~2600 ≤4 cm−1
    3.4% 2144~2176, 2518~2600 2142~2174, 2520~2600 ≤4 cm−1
    3.6% 2143~2176, 2519~2600 2142~2175, 2519~2600 ≤4 cm−1
    3.8% 2144~2176, 2519~2600 2142~2174, 2519~2600 ≤4 cm−1
    4.0% 2144~2176, 2519~2600 2144~2176, 2519~2600 ≤4 cm−1
    4.2% 2144~2176, 2519~2600 2144~2176, 2519~2600 ≤4 cm−1
    4.4% 2144~2176, 2430~2491, 2519~2600 2144~2176, 2430~2492, 2519~2600 ≤4 cm−1
    4.6% 2144~2176, 2430~2491, 2519~2600 2144~2176, 2430~2492, 2519~2600 ≤4 cm−1
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    表  2  传统单波段与传统多波段以及自适应多波段联合浓度反演结果

    Table  2.   Inversion results of traditional single-band, traditional multi-band, and adaptive multi-band joint concentration methods

    真实值 传统单波段浓度
    反演结果$\bar{C} $
    Hn Ĉ
    2.8% C1=2.83%
    2.775% H1=0.67
    3.0% C1=2.93%
    3.030% H1=0.78
    3.2% C1=3.15%
    3.250% H1=0.85
    3.4% C1=3.35%
    3.305% H1=0.88
    3.6% C1=3.63%
    3.570% H1=0.89
    3.8% C1=3.83%
    3.860% H1=0.78
    4.0% C1=4.03%
    3.955% H1=0.91
    4.2% C1=4.17%
    4.240% H1=0.87
    4.4% C1=4.43%
    4.427% H1=0.41
    4.6% C1=4.61%
    4.560% H1=0.73
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    表  3  传统单波段与传统多波段浓度反演以及自适应多波段联合浓度反演算法评价结果

    Table  3.   The evaluation results of traditional single-band, traditional multi-band, and adaptive multi-band joint concentration inversion algorithms

    传统单波段浓度反演 22 0.9820 0.0796 0.0686 0.0191
    传统多波段联合浓度反演 10 0.9928 0.0484 0.0442 0.0122
    自适应多波段联合浓度反演 10 0.9976 0.0283 0.0231 0.0065
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    表  4  不同浓度N2O的相关系数

    Table  4.   The correlation coefficients of N2O with different concentrations

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    表  5  SO2与CO的自适应多波段联合浓度反演算法评价结果

    Table  5.   The evaluation results of CO and SO2 by adaptive multi-band joint concentration inversion algorithm

    气体 浓度\间隔 R2 RMSE MAE MRE
    SO2 1%~10%/1% 0.9652 0.0393 0.0237 0.0172
    CO 0.1%~1%/0.1% 0.9943 0.0205 0.0147 0.0065
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