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何梦云 何自芬 张印辉 陈光晨 张枫

何梦云, 何自芬, 张印辉, 陈光晨, 张枫. 用于水下声呐目标检测的弱特征共焦通道调控方法[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(6): 1281-1296. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0031
引用本文: 何梦云, 何自芬, 张印辉, 陈光晨, 张枫. 用于水下声呐目标检测的弱特征共焦通道调控方法[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(6): 1281-1296. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0031
HE Meng-yun, HE Zi-fen, ZHANG Yin-hui, CHEN Guang-chen, ZHANG Feng. Weak feature confocal channel regulation for underwater sonar target detection[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(6): 1281-1296. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0031
Citation: HE Meng-yun, HE Zi-fen, ZHANG Yin-hui, CHEN Guang-chen, ZHANG Feng. Weak feature confocal channel regulation for underwater sonar target detection[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(6): 1281-1296. doi: 10.37188/CO.2024-0031


cstr: 32171.14.CO.2024-0031
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No. 62171206,No. 62061022)





    张 枫(1998—),男,江苏南通人,硕士研究生,2021年于淮阴工学院机械与材料工程学院获得学士学位,现为昆明理工大学机电工程学院硕士研究生,主要从事图像处理、机器视觉及深度学习等方面的研究。E-mail:zf1977497475@163.com

  • 中图分类号: TP394.1;TH691.9

Weak feature confocal channel regulation for underwater sonar target detection

Funds: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62171206, No. 62061022)
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  • 摘要:



  • 图 1  WFCCMNet模型结构图

    Figure 1.  WFCCMNet model structure

    图 2  全局信息聚合模块结构图

    Figure 2.  Structural diagram of global information aggregation module

    图 3  共焦通道调控池化模块结构图

    Figure 3.  Structural diagram of confocal channel regulation pooling module

    图 4  数据实例分布图

    Figure 4.  Distribution of data instances and a priori frames

    图 5  检测结果可视化

    Figure 5.  Visualisation of detection results

    表  1  改进前后输出分支与先验框对应关系

    Table  1.   Correspondence between output branches and a priori boxes before and after improvement

    改进前 改进后
    - - P4 [(116,90),(156,198),(373,326)]
    N3 [(10,13),(16,30),(33,23)] P3 [(5,6),(8,14),(15,11)]
    N4 [(30,61),(62,45),(59,119)] P2 [(10,13),(16,30),(33,23)]
    N5 [(116,90),(156,198),(373,326)] P1 [(30,61),(62,45),(59,119)]
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    表  2  目标图像面积占比

    Table  2.   Target image area percentage

    Classes nameMaximum area of target frame(height×width)Ration
    circle cage128×1480.04
    human body215×2160.09
    metal bucket168×2060.07
    square cage130×1180.03
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    表  3  改进模块消融实验

    Table  3.   Improved module ablation experiments

    GFLOPS mAP50 human body ball circle cage square cage tyre metal bucket cube cylinder plane
    Baseline 15.8 77.8 81.2 84.9 81.6 78.7 64.8 61.1 84.4 71.8 92.5
    +特征激活 18.6 80.1 87.6 82.5 81.1 80.9 64.9 68.8 86.4 77.5 91
    +GIAM 19.5 80.9 86.8 83.8 84.1 78.5 64.3 80.1 85.8 74.8 90.3
    +CFCRP 23.7 83.3 89.8 85.7 79.1 82.9 73.1 85.1 91.7 71.2 91
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    表  4  实验代号与输出分支和先验框尺度对应关系

    Table  4.   Correspondence of experiment codes with output layers and a priori boxes

    实验代号 输出分支 先验框尺度 输出分支 先验框尺度
    G1 - - N4 [(30,61),(62,45),(59,119)]
    N3 [(10,13),(16,30),(33,23)] N5 [(116,90),(156,198),(373,326)]
    G2 P4 [(5,6),(8,14),(15,11)] P2 [(30,61),(62,45),(59,119)]
    P3 [(10,13),(16,30),(33,23)] P1 [(116,90),(156,198),(373,326)]
    G3 P4 [(10,13),(16,30),(33,23)] P2 [(30,61),(62,45),(59,119)]
    P3 [(5,6),(8,14),(15,11)] P1 [(116,90),(156,198),(373,326)]
    G4 P4 [(30,61),(62,45),(59,119)] P2 [(10,13),(16,30),(33,23)]
    P3 [(5,6),(8,14),(15,11)] P1 [(116,90),(156,198),(373,326)]
    G5 P4 [(116,90),(156,198),(373,326)] P2 [(10,13),(16,30),(33,23)]
    P3 [(5,6),(8,14),(15,11)] P1 [(30,61),(62,45),(59,119)]
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    表  5  检测分支与先验框组合定量实验结果

    Table  5.   Results of quantitative experiments on the combination of detection branch and a priori frame

    实验代号 GFLOPS mAP50 human body ball circle cage square cage tyre metal bucket cube cylinder plane
    G1 15.8 77.8 81.2 84.9 81.6 78.7 64.8 61.1 84.4 71.8 92.5
    G2 15.9 78.6 88.8 83.7 79.7 82.6 60.6 66.9 87.1 68.5 89.7
    G3 15.9 77.5 77.9 82.3 80.7 72.4 63.9 67.6 86.9 73.7 92.1
    G4 15.9 79.2 79.9 81.7 78.5 75.2 64.4 74.2 87.3 76.6 95.1
    G5 15.9 79.3 89.4 83.2 78.6 83.3 63 71.1 84.3 71.2 90
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    表  6  多尺度共焦卷积对比实验

    Table  6.   Multi-scale confocal convolution comparison experiments

    Base Model 共焦卷积核 GFLOPS mAP50 human body ball circle cage square cage tyre metal bucket cube cylinder plane
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    表  7  空间特征金字塔池化对比实验

    Table  7.   Spatial feature pyramid pooling comparison experiments

    Base Model 空间特征金字塔池化 GFLOPS mAP50 human body ball circle cage square cage tyre metal bucket cube cylinder plane
    +SPPF 19.5 80.9 86.8 83.8 84.1 78.5 64.3 80.1 85.8 74.8 90.3
    +SPP 18.5 81.4 86.1 83.6 81.9 86.8 67.5 73.2 86.4 76.8 90.2
    +SPPFCSPC 23.6 73.9 78.1 79.7 71.6 76.5 60.3 60.4 85.4 62.1 91.2
    +ASPP 25.1 77 78.4 80.1 72.8 77.6 70 76.6 88 61.8 87.9
    +RFB 19.0 80.5 86.8 85.8 78.7 80.4 69.7 80.3 87.2 72.2 83.8
    +SPPCSPC 23.6 75.2 80.3 78.6 73.4 72.8 62.4 71.4 82.4 72.3 83.1
    +CFCRP 23.7 83.3 89.8 85.7 79.1 82.9 73.1 85.1 91.7 71.2 91
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    表  8  网络模型对比实验

    Table  8.   Network model comparison experiment

    Model GFLOPS mAP50 human body ball circle cage square cage tyre metal bucket cube cylinder plane
    SSD[38] 347.1 78.8 89.1 90.9 74.8 76.4 62.3 77.4 81 68.4 89
    RetinaNet[39] 207.9 68.4 89.8 77.5 59.8 74.7 47.4 75.9 78.6 24 87.9
    YOLOv5x[40] 203.9 77.4 76.1 83.8 76.8 72.7 62.3 80 83.8 66.2 95
    Faster RCNN[41] 193.8 71.2 80.4 81.1 77.6 75.7 45 70 81.8 40.4 88.7
    YOLOv7[29] 103.3 60.4 71.5 74.2 57.8 67 48.1 59.8 72.8 35.8 56.4
    YOLOv5m[40] 48 71.3 68.6 81.8 79 61.5 56.7 58.9 85.1 69.3 80.7
    DAMO-YOLO[42] 36 72.7 65.5 81.3 70.2 70.8 38.7 87.8 85.6 71.8 82.2
    YOLOv8s[43] 28.2 81.4 82.3 86.5 81.1 86.6 65 93.7 88.5 53.5 95
    YOLOXs[44] 26.7 82.4 88.1 88 75.9 87.2 71.7 79.3 89.6 71.4 90
    YOLOv5s[40] 15.8 77.8 81.2 84.9 81.6 78.7 64.8 61.1 84.4 71.8 92.5
    YOLOv7-tiny[45] 13.1 64.2 70.3 84.5 46.7 76.8 35.4 66.3 83.3 41.7 72.7
    YOLOv3-tiny[41] 5.57 63.2 65.2 73.6 69.4 63.2 37.5 63.9 76 48 72.1
    YOLOv5n[40] 4.2 72.3 86 79.2 74.5 77.9 59.3 52.8 81.8 58 80.8
    WFCCMNet 23.7 83.3 89.8 85.7 79.1 82.9 73.1 85.1 91.7 71.2 91
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