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刘宇豪 吴福培 吴树壮 王瑞

刘宇豪, 吴福培, 吴树壮, 王瑞. 基于插值超分辨的双目三维重建方法[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(4): 862-874. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0214
引用本文: 刘宇豪, 吴福培, 吴树壮, 王瑞. 基于插值超分辨的双目三维重建方法[J]. 中国光学(中英文), 2024, 17(4): 862-874. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0214
LIU Yu-hao, WU Fu-pei, WU Shu-zhuang, WANG Rui. Binocular 3D reconstruction method based on interpolation super-resolution[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(4): 862-874. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0214
Citation: LIU Yu-hao, WU Fu-pei, WU Shu-zhuang, WANG Rui. Binocular 3D reconstruction method based on interpolation super-resolution[J]. Chinese Optics, 2024, 17(4): 862-874. doi: 10.37188/CO.2023-0214


cstr: 32171.14.CO.2023-0214
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No. 61573233);广东省自然科学基金(No. 2021A1515010661);广东省普通高校创新团队资助项目(No. 2020KCXTD012)


    吴福培(1980—),男,广西玉林人,博士,教授, 2009年于华南理工大学机械工程专业获得博士学位,现就职于汕头大学机械工程系,主要研究方向为自动光学检测和3D测量。E-mail:fpwu@stu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TP394.1

Binocular 3D reconstruction method based on interpolation super-resolution

Funds: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61573233); National Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong, China (No. 2021A1515010661); the Guangdong Provincial University Innovation Team Project (No. 2020KCXTD012)
More Information
  • 摘要:

    基于双目立体匹配重建物体表面三维形貌时,其匹配精度往往受限于传感器尺寸、镜头焦距和光源环境等物理条件。针对此问题,本文提出了一种基于插值超分辨的双目表面三维重建方法。首先,在图像预处理阶段,建立基于小波变换与双直方图均衡融合的图像增强方法,克服传统双目视觉受限于复杂环境光干扰等问题;其次,构建基于拉格朗日与三次多项式插值的超分辨算法,提升图像像素密度,为双目匹配代价计算阶段增加图像细节,从而提高匹配精度;最后,基于SLIC算法对目标图像进行分割,并针对各分割区域分别做二次曲面拟合,进而获得与物体实际表面更为贴合的高度曲线,从而降低重建误差并可提高重建精度。实验结果表明:5组测量样品的全局高度测量平均相对误差为±2.3%,实验平均测量时长为1.882 8 s,最大时长为1.936 2 s,较传统方法有明显提升。实验分析结果验证了本文所提方法的有效性。


  • 图 1  双目相机深度估计

    Figure 1.  Depth estimation by binocular cameras

    图 2  拉格朗日与三次多项式插值结合的算法框图

    Figure 2.  Block diagram of composed Lagrange and cubic interpolations algorithm

    图 3  拉格朗日与三次多项式插值组合图。(a)拉格朗日多项式内插;(b)三次多项式内插

    Figure 3.  Combination graph of Lagrange and cubic polynomial interpolations. (a) Lagrange polynomial interpolation; (b) cubic polynomial interpolation

    图 4  基于小波变换与双直方图均衡融合的图像增强算法流程

    Figure 4.  Flowchart of image enhancement algorithm based on wavelet transform and dual histogram equalization fusion

    图 5  图像增强实验结果。(a)原始图像;(b)直方图均衡结果;(c)小波变换结果;(d)本文算法结果

    Figure 5.  Experimental results of image enhancement. (a) Original images; (b) the results of histogram equalization; (c) the results of wavelet transform; (d) the results of the proposed algorithm

    图 6  采集图像增强结果。(a)采集图像;(b)增强图像

    Figure 6.  Enhanced results of acquired images. (a) Acquired images; (b) enhanced images

    图 7  (a)二维高斯分布图及(b)高斯加权卷积块

    Figure 7.  (a) Two-dimensional Gaussian distribution diagram and (b) the Gaussian weighted convolution block

    图 8  基于插值超分辨的邻域窗口像素值变换结果。(a)左视图邻域窗口;(b)右视图邻域窗口;(c)邻域窗口内像素值变换结果

    Figure 8.  Pixel value transformation results of neighborhood windows based on interpolation super-resolution. (a) Neighborhood windows of left image; (b) neighborhood windows of right image; (c) pixel value transformation results in neighborhood window

    图 9  SLIC算法结果。(a)采集图像;(b)超像素分割图;(c)边缘图像

    Figure 9.  Result of SLIC algorithm. (a) Captured image; (b) superpixel segmentation image; (c) edge image

    图 10  算法处理流程图

    Figure 10.  Algorithm processing flowchart

    图 11  (a)采集图像及(b)实验平台

    Figure 11.  (a) Acquiring images and (b) the experimental platform

    表  1  3种图像增强算法对标准图像的处理结果对比

    Table  1.   Comparison of processing results of three image enhancement algorithms with respect to the standard image

    Name Method DE NCC CII PSNR SSIM
    Cameraman Histogram 6.7703 0.9848 0.8039 19.2229 0.6916
    Wavelet 4.4301 0.9888 0.7131 17.6452 0.4708
    Proposed algorithm 7.1149 0.9980 1.0132 24.5250 0.8788
    Lena Histogram 7.3383 0.9862 0.9051 19.3935 0.7784
    Wavelet 5.0992 0.9846 0.7341 17.0583 0.5613
    Proposed algorithm 7.4317 0.9921 1.0088 22.1287 0.8171
    Barbara Histogram 7.3816 0.9892 0.8492 18.2246 0.8147
    Wavelet 6.1788 0.9824 0.7005 17.9306 0.5767
    Proposed algorithm 7.5339 0.9908 1.0132 22.2251 0.8343
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    表  3  三维重建实验结果

    Table  3.   Experimental results of three-dimensional reconstruction

    Convex surface Trapezoidal surface Angular surface Semicircular surface Concave surface
    Sample image
    Acquired image
    Reconstructed image
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    表  2  实验参数

    Table  2.   Experimental parameters

    Sample size16 mm×8 mm×6.5 mm
    FOV of CCD camera30 mm×20 mm
    Image resolution640 pixels×480 pixels
    Focal length f6 mm
    Object distance180 mm
    Baseline distance49.38 mm
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    表  4  3种重建方法的检测结果比较

    Table  4.   Comparison of measurement results for three reconstruction methods

    Name of Curves Method in this paper Method in Ref. [27] Method in Ref. [28]
    Maximum error/mm Average error/mm Detection time/s Maximum error/mm Average error/mm Detection time/s Maximum error/mm Average error/mm Detection time/s
    Convex 0.2047 0.1464 1.8551 0.2756 0.2229 1.3287 0.3856 0.2684 2.5932
    Trapezoidal 0.1468 0.1152 1.9173 0.4078 0.2615 1.3813 0.2378 0.1915 2.7367
    Angular 0.1064 0.0768 1.8436 0.2178 0.1525 1.3102 0.1787 0.1425 2.4353
    Semicircular 0.2538 0.1675 1.9362 0.3612 0.2717 1.3922 0.4101 0.3017 2.8577
    Concave 0.1512 0.1278 1.8619 0.2766 0.2105 1.3247 0.2166 0.1705 2.6019
    Average 0.1726 0.1267 1.8828 0.3078 0.2238 1.3474 0.2858 0.2149 2.6450
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    表  5  样本高度测量误差

    Table  5.   Sample height measurement error rates

    Name of Curves CD IoU MAE/(mm) RMSE/(mm)
    Convex 0.2634 0.6443 0.1150 0.2742
    Trapezoidal 0.2317 0.6987 0.1050 0.2791
    Angular 0.1448 0.7328 0.0882 0.2488
    Semicircular 0.3163 0.6166 0.1403 0.4348
    Concave 0.2215 0.7065 0.1057 0.2710
    Average 0.2355 0.6798 0.1108 0.3016
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