双环级联谐振腔(Cascaded Microring Resonators, CMRR)传感器作为一种新型的光学传感器,因具有高灵敏度、易于集成、功耗小等优点被广泛应用于生物、医学等领域。为了实现CMRR传感器输出光谱的实时数据分析处理,提出了一种基于Python的实时CMRR传感器输出光谱包络拟合方法。首先,利用不同的拟合模型对CMRR传感器输出光谱进行拟合;然后,通过灵敏度误差百分比对不同拟合模型的拟合误差进行比较,结果显示平滑样条拟合法在实时处理CMRR传感器输出光谱过程中表现最佳;最后对不同浓度的NaCl溶液进行实时输出光谱采集处理,验证了CMRR传感器输出光谱实时采集处理程序的可靠性。实验结果表明CMRR传感器的波长漂移量与溶液浓度呈线性关系。通过计算可知CMRR传感器对于盐水的灵敏度约为671.03529 nm/RIU。
Abstract:Cascaded Microring Resonators (CMRR), a new type of optical sensor, are widely used in biology, medicine, and other fields because of their high sensitivity, easy integration, and low power consumption. In this paper, we propose a Python-based envelope fitting method for real-time CMRR sensor’s output spectrum to achieve real-time data analysis and processing of the CMRR sensor’s output spectrum. First, different fitting models were used to fit the output spectrum of the CMRR sensor. Then, the fitting errors of different fitting models were compared by sensitivity error percentage, and it was concluded that the smooth spline fitting method performed best in real-time processing of the output spectrum of the CMRR sensor. Finally, NaCl solution with different concentrations was used for real-time acquisition and processing of the output spectrum. The reliability of the real-time acquisition and processing program for the CMRR sensor’s output spectrum is verified. The experimental results show that the wavelength drift of the CMRR sensor is linearly related to the concentration of the solution. It can be seen from the calculation that the sensitivity of the CMRR sensor for brine is about 671.03529 nm/RIU.
表 1 实验仪器与设备型号
Table 1. Experimental instruments and equipment models
仪器名称 实验用途 设备型号 生产公司 微流注射泵 定速进样 ZSB-SY03-60-M03-1 南京润泽流体 可调谐激光器 光源 81600B( DE43501059) Agilent 功率计 探测输出光谱 N7748A Agilent 表 2 不同拟合法性能对比
Table 2. Performance comparison of different fitting methods
拟合方法 R-squared 灵敏度( nm/RIU) 误差百分比(%) 理想状态 674.205 平滑拟合法 0.998132234 685.523 1.67 高斯拟合法 0.994447952 625.246 7.29 洛伦兹拟合法 0.991580189 634.419 5.91 傅立叶拟合法 0.969335425 663.864 1.53 -
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